Archive | October, 2010

Should I Tell My Parents About My Income?

I’m 17 and I have a website which generates a good income from affiliate marketing. I’ve closely read ToS of the programs I am using and they do not specify that I need to be 18. I’ve also contacted my bank and they told me that my bank account is under my name only and my parents do not have access to it. I use prepaid visa gift cards to pay for the website hosting.
Should I tell my parents about this income? Do I even have to tell them?

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Call Of Duty 4 Profile Help!?

I would really appreciate it if you took the time to read this and address my problem. 5 stars for the best question NO MATTER HOW LONG that solves my problem. Anyways, I was so happy when I got Call of Duty 4 for the PC. I named my profile “PkedU2Fast” not after runescape, but just for a good name, because runescape fails. I made it to level 13 and decided to take a break from the real game and play a mod. I had dozens of mods downloaded but was bored with them, so I downloaded a new one. It was a zombie mod, and after downloading, it said “An error occurred.” I clicked continue and it took me back to the server screen, I clicked join server and the screen froze and it stopped responding. I tried multiple more times to click join new server and even used the console to try to connect to a direct ip. I came to a conclusion that the mod I downloaded ruined my profile. So, I deleted that profile, made a new profile, and it worked. I was happy as I continued to unlock more guns and rack up more points as I unlocked attachments for them. My name for this profile was “CD|PkedU2Fast” because I had gotten admitted into a clan.I made it up to level 23 and got off. The next day, I started the game as usual and when I clicked join server, it took me to the server list, and I proceeded to click “Favorites.” It was weird at first, I had only 4 favorites instead of the 10 or so I had with CD|PkedU2Fast. I noticed that they were the favorites I had when I was just PkedU2fast. I clicked to join a game and my classes were strange, they were different from CD|PkedU2Fast’s classes. I thought “Ohmigosh! My classes are exactly the same from PkedU2Fast’s classes.” I also noticed that I was level 16. It was very weird, my profile got reverted to a profile that was deleted. I exited CoD4 and opened Computer. I looked in the files, and saw all the data for CD|PkedU2Fast, and no PkedU2Fast anywhere. My computer was accessing PkedU2Fast from a hidden source even though I deleted it. I clicked select profile and only found PkedU2Fast. The next day, everything was back to normal, all my classes and my correct level, and I was CD|PkedU2Fast. About 2 months later, I wasn’t playing extremely frequently, about 3 days per week (but for several hours per day); and I was level 47. One day, I got on and noticed that I was level 16! My classes were different again and my favorites weren’t the same. This time I really thought “Ughhh! !#$!$#%!” My profile was reverted again. And this time, it’s been PkedU2Fast and not CD|PkedU2Fast for over a week! I really don’t want to level up again. All my progress was gone, I also thought about the countless hours I had spent on mods. I got on my friends Zod mod and noticed that my stats were of CD|PkedU2Fast and not PkedU2Fast. So, my mod progress wasn’t gone, but my regular game status was. Please help, I wanna get CD|PkedU2Fast’s stats back, and moy normal game stuff back. Help please.

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 1010 Comments

What Is The Top (best) Affiliate Site For Phone Apps?

I want to become an affiliate for a reputable all phone apps provider so I can direct traffic to that site and make some money.So..which one has the best overall payout program?

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Need An Example Of A Successful Amazon Affiliate Website?

J&R Electronics!

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How Should I Begin Working Towards Becoming A Pa (physicians Assistant)?

I just recently have come across the profession of PA looking online, after learning about it much more I have determined this job seems very very positive as far as salary, job security, and best of all helping people would be my niche for any career choice. I am 19. I assume I would major in biology or chemistry, then apply for a PA program. However I have seen that medical experience is generally required to be accepted. Being my young age and not having certification to do most all patient related work, how would I begin to accumulate this experience? A local hospital has a volunteer program which I applied for, if I were to do that would that be helpful on an application? I’m looking for any advice, preferably from a recent PA graduate, of course any PA advice is helpful, or a physician who works directly with them. I’m very optimistic this would be a great choice for me, so please feel free to give me any and all information and advice you have.
Thanks to all who help me out.

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Ebay Query: What Is Best Selling Method To Use On Ebay, For Example?

I have tried £00.1, £00.9 & Buy it now.
I have sold 12 items so far and they are getting good final bids – Which have been paid for & I posted.
Although pleased with the results (I only sell good quality items) I do not know which method to use.
Sold dartboards, musical instruments etc in the range £20-30 range (better than I would get at a car boot – I reckon a fiver)
I have find my niche (electronics) – second hand but good stuff.
Just posting more items now but do not know whether to put reserves, high bids, international postage.
Also, I read ebay blogs saying that it is good to start everything at 1p and watch the bids climb up.
However, the stuff I sold for good prices I put a minimum (£10 & £20) and got bidding higher. But today I had to post stuff (bags) for 1p & .99p – so I am confused about using reserves, buy it now or not.
I have already concluded that if something is worth anything it will get high bids – However that does not tell me whether I should entice more bidders with low starting bid or just cater to serious buyers/those who really want the item.
Any advice/suggestions are much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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