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Am I A Democrat Or Republican?

I’ve been reading into American politics lately, and although I am not an American citizen, I find it interesting to get a sense of what America and its citizens are going through right now (politically, economically, etc.).
Anyway, I keep reading about both political parties, and I am having a hard time classifying myself with a party.
I am usually on the fence on most matters, because I believe that in todays world, it is every man for himself. However, I do value traditiod and family. I also believe strongly in educating one self and establishing a good career.
I like the idea of smaller governments because I have seen many low-income people abuse and take advantage of government social programs (for example, welfare). I think governments should not intervene ALOT in people’s lives, but do so only when necessary. I believe that people’s success/failure depends ENTIRELY on their actions. For instance, if you are in need of some cash, then get a job and work hard…and move up the corporate ladder.
I am mostly neutral on controvesial issues. I am pro-abortion simply because I think we have a choice in deciding whether to bring a life into this world or not (please dont bother arguing with me about this, I dont have time to explain my beliefs over the internet to you). I believe in having a strong military/national defence, but I also think that money needs to be invested in the infrastructure of a country in order to improve quality of life.
I support the advancement of medical research. I don’t have anything against homosexuals.
I am not insanely religious, but I do remember my religious roots and ties (I give my family more value than my religion). I am a strong believer of karma and I live by the moto ‘live and let live”, therefore I think everyone should mind their own business, and stop imposing their beliefs on others (I am looking at you christians who keep knocking on my door asking me to consider christianity as my religion lol–no offence but it gets annoying. please stop).
I believe everything should be done in moderation. I don’t like extremes.
…okay so that was my little rant. Now, what political category should I affiliate myself with?

No Responses to “Am I A Democrat Or Republican?”

  1. jaker says:

    Only you can decide that.

  2. ChadTiss says:

    As the great Chris Rock said (and pardon the language)
    “The whole country’s got a ****** up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are ******* idiots. Democrats are ******* idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots.
    Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a ******* fool. Everybody, nah, nah, nah, everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang! I’m a conservative! I’m a liberal! I’m a conservative! It’s bullshit!
    Be a ******* person. Listen. Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion.
    No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some **** I’m conservative about, I got some **** I’m liberal about. Crime – I’m conservative. Prostitution – I’m liberal.”

  3. Too logical for my own good says:

    Go old school and be both. A Democrat-Republican.

  4. Libs love collective thought says:

    You would be a libertarian Republican.

  5. Philip McCrevice says:

    You sound like a Republican with some progressive views on homosexuality and abortion.
    That is understandable since you claim not to be too religious.
    If you were more of a Christian, your views would be Conservative because you would disagree with homosexuality and abortion.

  6. RINI says:

    It doesn’t really matter…both parties aren’t what they say they are.

  7. isurvive says:

    I don’t think I understand your reasoning.
    For example, you write that you are against social programs because some people abuse welfare in what is considering the largest ponzi scheme.
    I, in contrast, have seen some people abuse the law and capitalism. Bernie Maddoff comes to mind.
    If we follow your approach, anything that is abused, we must not support and do away with.

  8. John M says:

    Soni, I would consider you an articulate and quite liberal Republican.
    Small government and less public welfare: Republican.
    Pro-choice: Democrat.
    But your other positions place you learning to the Republican side of the aisle.
    And no matter how we may pigeon-hole you on Y!A, it seems you are your own person. Huzzah!

  9. Joe Finkle says:

    Libertarian, the most prominent third party.
    They tend to side with Democrats on social issues and Republicans on fiscal issues. They also tend to be isolationist, which is a view that splits both major parties.

  10. Climbing Up the Walls says:

    As long as you don’t join there stupid partys you aren’t either, please keep it that way. Each party just want to help the people at the top of the party, they don’t care about the American citizens.

  11. Steph W (I'd be CRAZY 2 vote REP says:

    Based on that description I think you are a Liberal Democrat.
    You sound like you think things through and are open minded as an individual. Good for you!
    But let’s take it alittle further, do you agree with this statement?
    “My right does not have to be your right, my wrong does not have to be your wrong.”
    If you do, you are a free thinker. Many Liberals are.

  12. Uncle Hussein says:

    You sound inclined to be of a moderately conservative nature; that said and despite my personal political beliefs (very conservative), I would suggest that you live, learn, read and stay engaged with in the political process, that’s how you will truly find what you do or don’t believe.
    No one other than you should define your personal or political beliefs

  13. Shalom77 says:

    You need to vote your Heart. I was in a Similar situation – Growing up! My Home (in Los Angeles) was the West Coast Party House for the Democrats of the 50s, 60s, and early 70s. My father encouraged me to search it out myself when I was 17. Then Ronald Reagan was Our Governor and I was able to talk to him and Senator Cranston and Jerry Brown Sr, the Former Governor as well as others. My 1st vote was for Ronald Reagan, so was my next Presidential Vote! Because of My experience as a Nurse, and with hearing from my mother, I am Firmly Against Abortion.
    I am Personally Voting Against Anyone that this Administration Supports in Any Way in the General Election Coming Up! I Feel strongly – If This vote goes like, when he came in (with the Number Crunching!) Then America is Doomed and Will Die! Not What I Want! In that Event, Only God Can Save Any Of Us!
    Shalom and God Bless! Jane.

  14. 8utters says:

    You seem to be able to think for yourself, why ruin that by becoming a member of a political party?

  15. Peace through blinding force says:

    The CENTRAL question is “whose PROPERTY are you?”
    > Government’s = you’re a Democrat
    > Your own = you’re a Republican.
    The rest is details.

  16. T1000 says:

    You’re a fundamentalist Democrat liberal.

  17. Diethyl Ether Dinner Candle says:

    You sound confused.
    You must be a liberal.


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