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I Want To Sing In The Studio But Ii Dont Know How To Get Involved In It.?

Im 14.I love to sing. I want to be able to go into the studio and make songs i just don’t know how to get affiliated into it.I want to be with someone who can write and all that but i don’t know anyone! Any suggestions?

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  1. Matt says:

    You’re not the only young singer aspiring to get into the studio. The good news is you have the rest of your life to make your dreams come true. It may not seem like it now, but you will have many more opportunities the older you get and will be more likely to find an audience that will pay to hear your perform in the part of the country you live in as you get into your early 20s. For now here are a few suggestions to help get you going in the right direction:
    – First learn how to read music and play the piano. If you can’t find a teacher in your area, look up lessons on YouTube.
    -Write tons of poetry/lyrics. Write whether you think its good or not. If you think its bad, don’t throw it out. You never know when you can pull a piece from this and that to put together something great.
    -Download Audacity (its legally free) at Learn how to use it and start recording and playing around on your own at home. If you don’t have or play any instruments, no problem, start by just singing your melodic ideas so you remember them. Beatbox a beat that you can sing over. You don’t need to share these with anyone, but it can get your creative juices flowing and ideas spinning.
    -Once you’ve spent MONTHS doing this, you will start to have an idea of what you really want to record. See if you can get some friends to help play instruments for you and try recording on your own at home with Audacity or Garage Band.
    Lastly – Focus on COLLEGE. You must go to college. A college degree will be the new high school diploma for your generation. Without one, you will most likely have a hard time ever finding a job that pays more than minimum wage. If money is an issue, start at a community college. You can almost always get student loans for the entire amount of tuition at a community college and now with the Income Based Retirement Plan you’ll never have to pay more than approximately 6% of your income towards student loans. Most community colleges have a music program and a business program. Double major. Learn how to run your own business and learn how to use a computer to record and make music and you will have many more opportunities available to you in the future than you could ever imagine.
    Good Luck.

  2. baxtervi says:

    Musical artists generally pay at least $40 an hour for studio time, plus whatever musicians charge for their time and creativity. The songwriting is all done in advance, since it would be far too expensive to write music during a recording session. And if you don’t write songs, you’ll also have to buy the rights to record someone else’s music. In other words, if you’re a singer without a band or original music, you’re looking at many hundreds of dollars to buy rights to and record a song.
    Most musicians don’t go into the recording studio until they have enough original material to comprise a CD they can sell to fans, since it’s not worth the expense as a hobby. By the time most people book studio time, they’re performing regularly and can be fairly sure they’ll recoup recording cost from sales of their music. But casual musicians often use home studios, which have dropped radically in price over the past decade. For a few hundred dollars, they can buy interfaces that allow them to record directly to their computers. Those can be difficult to use, since audio engineering isn’t nearly as simple as pushing the buttons of a tape recorder. But the vast majority of home studio users are musicians and songwriters. Even a home studio is useless without songs and people to play them.

  3. Cedric says:

    One of the best things you can do is to network with other aspiring artists, singers, musicians and others connected to the music recording industry in your area.
    Let as many people as possible know that you want to sing. Take every opportunity that you can reasonably accept or create to make music with people who want to embrace all styles of music. There are many musically talented people all around you. At school at work, out in public. At restaurants. You can meet them everywhere… on the internet is another possibility. There are Yahoo Groups for aspiring singers and musicians. They e-mail each other and discuss such issues as where to find studios that will hire you and how to make contacts.
    Another good option is to join the Musicians Union in your area. They often provide free use of practice facilities, or help studio owners and entertainers to make contacts with one another.
    Singing and playing music is often something that is caught not taught. You can learn so much by observing other singers and musicians whom you aspire to become like.
    Listen very carefully to the advice of the precious seasoned professionals with whom you come into contact. Teachers, family friends – anyone who has had a career in music. No matter how bad you may sometimes feel your singing is always take opportunities to get out and perform with other people. Don’t limit yourself to karaoke. always aim high. Start a band with your friends if you are at the appropriate stage for that too. EVERY experience like that will be of great benefit to you.
    As an example, remember Celine Dion started out as a young woman singing in a rock band, and I am sure she was very good at that genre too
    All the best to you with your singing career whether it becomes your main occupation or just something you love doing throughout life!
    Please vote for my answer as BEST ( I am new at this and need the encouragement – grin!)


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