Tag Archive | "justification"

If I Choose A Religion That Does Not Impose Undesired Rules On Me, Is It True Devotion To God?

I fail to see the justification in following a religion simply because I was born in a certain location and because an Anglican school happened to be the best school in the area.
In Church of England belief, God made me and chose the circumstances of my birth and so He chose my religious circumstances but if I follow that reasoning then he also gave me logical parents who believe in “God” but do not practice any religion. The logic of the parents God gave me to tells me that I should question the fact that if my religion is right because I was born into it then Islam is right for people born into it and the same goes for every other religion.
If all of these religions are right then none are wrong and if I am not currently affiliated with any specific religion and if no religion is wrong then I can choose to follow one over another.
If I choose a religion, is it not faith or belief, it is choice.
And if I choose a religion then why shouldn’t I choose one that doesn’t impose rules on me that I don’t like and if I do that then there is no effort or sacrifice for my religion, so how could I tell myself that I am as faithful and true as someone who is strict in their religious adherence?
Is that true devotion to God?

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If I Choose My Religion Is It Really Faith Or Belief?

I fail to see the justification in following a religion simply because I was born in a certain location and because an Anglican school happened to be the best school in the area.
In Church of England belief, God made me and chose the circumstances of my birth and so He chose my religious circumstances but if I follow that reasoning then he also gave me logical parents who believe in “God” but do not practice any religion. The logic of the parents God gave me to tells me that I should question the fact that if my religion is right because I was born into it then Islam is right for people born into it and the same goes for every other religion.
If all of these religions are right then none are wrong and if I am not currently affiliated with any specific religion and if no religion is wrong then it is up to me to choose which to follow.
If I CHOOSE a religion, is it still faith, belief or just choice? And does that matter?

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Affiliate Marketing Program For My Website Direct – Keys to Success

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Everything has to work on a defined path to reach a goal. In the same way, you want to keep going on a defined path for succeeding in the affiliate marketing program for my website direct. Making money from affiliate marketing fast is a good idea, especially when you don’t need to get stuck with lot of expenses. Well then, there has to be a way to follow a program for a worth while return on the efforts.

Going along a chalked out path is much easier than going in a hit and miss way. This will help for a better understanding of the program for my website direct. Through out this process, you can assess the progress, know the mistakes and make the desired changes to steer the affiliate marketing and a path to success. Look at any other business establishments; whether large or small, they all follow a decided path to measure the success. The same principle applies to you and for a website direct venture or any other. If you want to make a real success, you have to measure it from several angles and not merely cash earned. Understand, profit is a secondary issue, it generates more than you expect from building up customers from the website direct dealings.

Everybody likes to buy directly from the business enterprises to eliminate the middlemen. It is better for the sellers as they come to know their customers directly. It builds a better rapport and forges a bond of faith and respect. This way there is a clear understanding of the values exchanged.

It is an advanced world where virtual meeting between the sellers and buyers is spontaneous and inexpensive. Both are parts of the society and dependent on each other. So, where is the justification of another identity between the two? With the growing popularity of the internet, the trend in business is taking a turn towards the concept of directness in dealings.

Today, it is getting much supported even by the large corporations. So, there is every reason to make good use of it in affiliate marketing for my website. If you are easily communicable, you will successfully build up a sustained relationship with your customers for a long time. Website direct approach brings your customer and you together as a strong system on a platform of mutual trust and understanding. From a general point of view, certainly your affiliate marketing plan can be open to alterations and refinements according to changing situations. The foundation of affiliate marketing for my website is the computer, which remains online 24 hours a day, and it is up to you to respond to customers as swiftly as you can.

To without a doubt learn more about the affiliate marketing program and see how easy it is to have an online business. Learn from Tim Bonderud and his team of Marketing Mentors!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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