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If I Choose A Religion That Does Not Impose Undesired Rules On Me, Is It True Devotion To God?

I fail to see the justification in following a religion simply because I was born in a certain location and because an Anglican school happened to be the best school in the area.
In Church of England belief, God made me and chose the circumstances of my birth and so He chose my religious circumstances but if I follow that reasoning then he also gave me logical parents who believe in “God” but do not practice any religion. The logic of the parents God gave me to tells me that I should question the fact that if my religion is right because I was born into it then Islam is right for people born into it and the same goes for every other religion.
If all of these religions are right then none are wrong and if I am not currently affiliated with any specific religion and if no religion is wrong then I can choose to follow one over another.
If I choose a religion, is it not faith or belief, it is choice.
And if I choose a religion then why shouldn’t I choose one that doesn’t impose rules on me that I don’t like and if I do that then there is no effort or sacrifice for my religion, so how could I tell myself that I am as faithful and true as someone who is strict in their religious adherence?
Is that true devotion to God?

No Responses to “If I Choose A Religion That Does Not Impose Undesired Rules On Me, Is It True Devotion To God?”

  1. J.R. says:

    religion is different from faith. religion is a habit that may strengthen your faith. no religion is going to sync up with you 100%. religion is the church you go to and church is a creation of man to pay homage to God to extend hospitality to our lord. faith is the everyday thing learning to walk as jesus walked learning to live and love as God intends, not where you kneel and eat bread. i went through a spiritual quest to find a church. i found one and this is the best advise i can offer you. I went to a church and sat in the pew and intently listened to the readings from the bible and did my best to understand them. then the pastor gave his sermon and it spoke to me his words were directly addressing something that had been weighing on my soul and it was if this church had followed me found me read my mind and answered my question.
    when you have found that then you have found the right church, respect their traditions understand their customs and choose the things that are God’s words and man’s words.
    I was born Presbyterian but i am roman catholic now. seek and you WILL find, knock and the door Will be opened.
    us Catholics believe that the bible was written by man so therefore not impervious from error same with the clergy and that God speaks to each one of us.
    keep going to different churches until you experience what i described and you will find one

  2. Eric says:

    Christians = a lot of rules
    Catholics = less rules
    Atheists = we can do whatever the **** we want. The choice is obvious.
    EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot about the burning in hell part. Let me tell my unicorn steed you said that. He’ll get a real kick out of it.

  3. _____ says:

    yeah eric but atheists burn in hell for eternity

  4. Nargis says:

    Your confused that’s why you can’t decide. Go read and collect info from every religion then compare them see which one you think is right.
    I’m muslim I can tell you that most people without reading or understanding what Islam is about just thinks it’s a very hard religion. But the truth is Islam does not what you to do bad to urself.
    Like drinking, smoking, having affairs, eating what’s not good for u etc…..
    If you think about why Islam is stopping u from this, it is your own benefit.
    It is basically not allowing you to bad stuff to urself and others.


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