Tag Archive | "Handle"

How To Handle With Depression Whilst Finding A Job In This Market?

I’m 28 years old and I’m unemployed.
My fiancee was unemployed for eight months and recently found a job. She’s elated, and we have some income rolling in, but I have to always cash some of my stocks in my IRA brokerage portfolio, which was meant for our future retirement fund and I’ve been out of work for four months now. I have a BA in English, but I’ve worked as a handyman, I know how to lay tile, all the traits affiliated with carpentry, I speak four languages fluently and cannot find a job, here in Tampa, FL.
After I had graduated, I couldn’t find a job stateside, so I lived in Madrid, working for the Spanish Ministry of Education, teaching in a bilingual public school. Six months later, when the program ended, I couldn’t find a job, so my fiancee’s mom got me a temp job working at Lockheed Martin, as a shipping/receiving clerk, for barely $13 an hour, but a year later, I got a job at L’Oreal, as a procurement analyst, making $38,000 a year. I lost that job six months later, due to a massive layoff within the company.
So, I find myself unemployed, unable to find work anywhere. I’ve applied to gas stations, manual labor jobs, construction. I would even dig a ditch if somebody paid me. Also, my friends, who have degrees in Chemistry, Engineering, etc, cannot find jobs either and I have friends that used to be electricians, plumbers, welders, and they are jobless as well. There are simply no jobs stateside.
What are some tips to keep out of depression? What would be some job tips you would use in a situation like this?
I also worked 80 hour weeks at Lockheed Martin and didn’t mind it one bit, because I was being paid. I’m not lazy.

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How To Handle Wrestling Withdrawal? Please Help…..?

I normally watched Friday Night Smackdown. But after Smackdown moved to the Syfi channel, the affiliate channel that I watched the show on, no longer carries Smackdown. I also don’t get the RAW channel either. So, I’m devoid of wrestling.
Before, at least I had Smackdown but now nothing! Please help. I am suffering from withdrawal of watching wrestling, and I don’t know what to do!?

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