Tag Archive | "flexibility exercises"

Diet And Exercise Plan? Please Review For Me?

So, I’m 13, 5″5′, a female, and weigh a little over 140lbs. I’m looking to lose at least 32 pounds (which will put me at about 113lbs) by May 8th. Starting at the beginning of the new year I will be cutting out all junk food, fast food, and soda. (I’ll still drink diet coke though) Also, I will start a daily exercise routine, and be following a diet.
Here’s my exercise:
-Jumping rope 35-45mins every week (jumping rope counts as cardio, correct?)
-Walking/Jogging probably twice during the week (usually I’ll be doing 2+ miles)
-Cardio exercises from Blogilates on Youtube twice a week
-Various reps/sets of the following: crunches, jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, ect.
-Yoga, and flexibility exercises (can you recommend me some?)
My diet: *I may substitute some meals throughout the week but they will be healthy*
Breakfast: 1 cup milk, 1 piece of toast with no butter or jam, a piece of fruit.
Lunch: small salad with , tomatoes, and ranch on the side, 1 can of diet coke
Dinner: egg sandwich with mayo, mixed vegetables.
Remember that I will be drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
How does this sound? According to myfitnesspal I will be eating a bit under 350cals. Though I don’t know exactly how much I will be burning by exercise.
Also, when do you think I will start to see results?

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