Tag Archive | "Against"

Should We Use The Consumer Power To Fight Against The European Empire.?

The European Empire is controlled by Germans.They have exploited poorer countries for their wealth the same as mercantilism or imperialism.Now they are negotiating free trade area with the US. As it has been found that the TPP negotiation process has not been transparent.It will be a big chance for them to grab the US market and destroy our industries.We can stop all of these.Just not buy anything from them.What do you think? Your opinion will be honored.

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I’m 16 Can I File A Restraining Order Against My Cousin Please Help!!!!?

I’m a 16 year old living in Houston, Texas. My cousin recently committed a crime and claimed to be me. Is there any way I can request a restraining order against him? I just don’t want him and his stupidy to be involved in my life anymore.He’s a 17 year old with a criminal record who is gang affiliated. I’m an honors student who never gets in trouble and never messes with anyone. I just want to be left alone at this point. I really don’t wanna be dragged down with him. Please help.

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Would These Be Good Attack Ads Against Barack Obama?

I think this ad by Romney is BRILLIANT copying obama’s 2008 “Fundamentals” ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o8GSkkeXH0&feature=plcp
Here are some of my ideas:
1. Listen to Barack Obama in 2006: “Raising the debt limit is a sign of leadership failure”. Now the debt’s growing at $4 billion a day, at $16 trillion. In 2008: “If you don’t have anything to run on, you’re going to run nasty ads to scare voters about your opponent” And he’s run the most negative campaign in history. In 2009: “If I don’t get this done in 3 years, it’s going to be a one-term proposition” Oh really, Mr. President? We’ll take you up on that. “I’m Mitt Romney, and I approve this message.”
2. Radical Barack Obama was friends with terrorist Bill Ayers, who bombed the Pentagon, endangered millions of people, and said his only regret was that “he didn’t do enough”. His affiliate Tony Rezko is now facing years in prison for fraud charges. He’s endorsed by radical Muslim Louis Farakkhan who said that his goal was to destroy America. His own pastor, who baptized Obama’s children and preached to the Obamas for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, said “God damn America” and called America “the US of KKK A”. And now, his trusted advisor, Cass Sustein, wants to ban all meat and allow animals full representation in court. Barack Obama: The more you know about him, the less you trust him. Too Radical. Too risky. Dead wrong for America. “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message”
3. Obama has added over $10,000 in debt for every American. He took over the banks, the auto companies, and then put government in charge of our healthcare. Gas prices have skyrocketed and unemployment has been above 8% for over 40 months. It’s time for a change. “I’m Mitt Romney, and I approve this message”
4. Barack Obama. Mitt Romney. Two men running for President with very different records. Mitt Romney worked at Bain capital, creating over 100,000 jobs. Barack Obama never really had a job. Under Romney’s leadership, Massachusetts had a 4.7% unemployment rate. Under Obama, America has had unemployment above 8% for 40 months. Romney supports the Keystone Pipeline to create jobs and lower gas prices. Obama not only opposes the Keystone Pipeline, he personally blocked the plan that would’ve created 100,000 jobs right now. The choice is clear. Mitt Romney. “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”
5. Obama and Romney on energy. Romney supports the Keystone Pipeline, which would create over 100,000 jobs right now. Obama doesn’t. Romney supports drilling in Alaska, expanding oil shale development, and rescinding the offshore drilling moratorium, to lower gas prices right now. Obama doesn’t. Romney opposes a national energy tax, which would increase electricity rates up to 25%. Obama supports one. So next time you see an Obama attack ad(shows TV screen with “Big Oil” and Romney with oil spatterings), remember who will fight for lower gas prices. “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”

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