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Is College Better Than High School?

Are there more people who have similar interest as you. I’m In high school and I really can’t stand it. I have very few friends and out of them I only have 1 I can probably talk to about my interest. I’m autistic and I’m very interested in many thing like history, politics, philosophy, religion,current events and science and I research that stuff on the internet and books but I have no one to talk about it with I think I feel like such a loner and I can’t relate to anyone and feel deppresed and sometimes even want to die. I met a few college students before they seemed so nice and opened in interesting to talk to. I’m opened to being anyone’s friend but I have a reputation of not really being social so nobody talks to me. I’ll be a senior this year and then college starts and ill try being more social but is it better there. I know there are all types of people there but can u find my niche. Sometimes I worry I will never make friends or marry and have kids which is really what I want.

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  1. Hydrabad says:

    There are tons of people in the world interested in history. Volunteer in a political campaign office. You’ll meet people who are likely similar to you in interests.
    Become a history tutor now in HS and later in college. That way you can actually use your interest to connect with people.
    Volunteer in a nursing home. Ther will be soo many people grateful that you can talk to them or listen to them on the subject of things past. And it’s usually only once a week.
    You could get a job in a museum, become a tour guide. All of these are ways that you can use your interest to meet with people and little by little you won’t feel quite so lonely. At least, not all of the time.
    I felt the same way and I started by finding groups that do the activities I like.


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