Tag Archive | "tens of thousands"

Pay Per Click Ad On Google Not Getting Many Impressions?

I own a website in a very competitive, highly searched niche. I have been getting these $105 adwords vouchers for about $7 but the catch is that it has to be used on a fairly new account. I got one in the mail from Google about 1 month ago and created my ad. Within about 3 hours, I got tens of thousands impressions and used up all of the credits. Today, I created a new account and used all of the same keywords. I started running it in the morning and made sure everything was set up properly. Tonight, when I checked my results I only had 28 impressions and 0 clicks. I don’t know what is going on, why my ad is hardly visible. Any suggestions or insight would be greatly appreciated. I didn’t set a limit for each click and my daily budget was set to $105.

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