Tag Archive | "Surprised"

Lie, Cheat, Steal It’s The Republcian Way, So Are You Surprised?

Wow, This is Pretty Epic (Republicans manufactured evidence on Benghazi)
Josh Marshall
Generally, once partisan, tendentious sources leak information that turns out to be wrong, nothing’s ever done about it. That’s for many reasons, some good or somewhat understandable, mostly bad. But on CBS Evening News tonight, Major Garrett did something I don’t feel like I’ve seen in a really long time or maybe ever on a network news cast. He basically said straight out: Republicans told us these were the quotes, that wasn’t true. Quick transcript after the jump …
SCOTT PELLEY: Also at his news conference today the president called for tighter security for U.S. diplomatic facilities to prevent an attack like the one in Benghazi, Libya, last year that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. Of course, Benghazi has become a political controversy. Republicans claim that the Administration watered down the facts in talking points that were given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for television appearances while Mr. Obama was running for reelection. Republicans on Capitol Hill claim that they had found proof of this in White House e-mails that they leaked to reporters last week. Well, it turns out some of the quotes in those e-mails were wrong. Major Garrett is at the White House for us tonight. Major?
MAJOR GARRETT: Scott, Republicans have claimed that the State Department under Hillary Clinton was trying to protect itself from criticism. The White House released the real e-mails late yesterday and here’s what we found when we compared them to the quotes that had been provided by Republicans. One e-mail was written by Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes. On Friday, Republicans leaked what they said was a quote from Rhodes. “We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don’t want to undermine the FBI investigation.” But it turns out, in the actual e-mail Rhodes did not mention the State Department. It read “We need to resolve this in a way that respects all the relevant equities, particularly the investigation.” Republicans also provided what they said was a quote from an e-mail written by State Department Spokesman Victoria Nuland. The Republican version notes Nuland discussing: “The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda’s presence and activities of al-Qaeda.” The actual e-mail from Nuland says: the “…penultimate point could be abused by Members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings…” The C.I.A. agreed with the concerns raised by the State Department and revised the talking points to make them less specific than the C.I.A.’s original version, eliminating references to al-Qaeda and affiliates and earlier security warnings. There is no evidence, Scott, the White House orchestrated these changes.
(ed.note: This is a rush transcription so some spelling and capitalization is off.)http://editors.talkingpointsmemo.com/arc…
There were meaningful Benghazi lies after all
But if we’re going to talk about real political scandals, can we at least have a conversation about Republicans lying to reporters about Benghazi?
For those who can’t watch clips online, CBS’s Major Garrett told viewers last night something news consumers don’t usually see or hear: House Republicans gave journalists bogus information, apparently on purpose, in the hopes of advancing the right’s version of the Benghazi story.
As Josh Marshall explained, “Generally, once partisan, tendentious sources leak information that turns out to be wrong, nothing’s ever done about it. That’s for many reasons, some good or somewhat understandable, mostly bad. But on CBS Evening News tonight, Major Garrett did something I don’t feel like I’ve seen in a really long time or maybe ever on a network news cast. He basically said straight out: Republicans told us these were the quotes; that wasn’t true.”
Given what we now know, congressional Republicans saw all of these materials in March, couldn’t find anything controversial, and moved on. But last week, desperate to manufacture a scandal, unnamed Republicans on Capitol Hill started giving “quotes” from the materials to reporters, making it seem as if the White House made politically motivated edits of Benghazi talking points.

Maybe this was just an innocent mistake, rather than a deliberate attempt at deception? Nope: “On Monday, Mother Jones noted that the Republicans’ interim report included the correct version of the emails, signaling that more malice and less incompetence may have been at play with the alleged alterations.”http://maddowblog.msnbc.com/_news/2013/0…

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Why Should I Be Surprised By Crime And Mass Murder In This Society?

There are deaths everyday in places more brutal. All this gun control is just politics. That lanza guy is nothing compared to the rest of the world’s TRUE criminals.
Bad dogs aren’t born they’re made, True.
The development of a person is not decided at birth. Nature vs. Nurture is a common debate but it’s widely believed that both play equal parts in how a human being is going to behave, perceive things, and act in life. This mass murderer is a product of his environment and of his own biological tendencies. The two didn’t mix well for him and this is the result.
You are what you eat, True.
Everything we consume is going to be filtered by our bodies and minds. The more something is put out for the masses to consume, the more we are going to reflect that consumption physically, mentally, and spiritually. The marketing industry knows what they’re doing and so does mass media and entertainment. The consequences (whatever they may be) are a small price to pay when you’re wealth and position is protected by the law and rooted in freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
You get what you give(law of attraction), True.
Sociopaths and Psychopaths are a part of our population. Our population is massive. Unless something is done on a massive scale to reintroduce the basic social skills and morality that creates and abides by peace and harmony then how are we ever going to live in a world (of peace) suitable to them (socio/phycho) and socially/mentally stable people? Firstly, this is not something that can just trickle down because, if you haven’t noticed, our most respected and revered people share similar traits to the very “criminals” they take oaths to bring justice to. I don’t believe in change having limits or boundaries, especially within the confines what what our “authorities” deem possible or acceptable but radical thinking brings about radical change.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, True.
In some way, shape, or form. The problem is when man assumes control. We have been upsetting the balance of nature since our coming to be. Our only predator is ourselves. Our actions through history have resulted in our present which reflects the past in some degree but you know what they say about passing on a story; it’s never exactly the same by the time you hear it. What starts off as life is eventually going to change the more we love, learn, think, and live but also the more we lie, kill, manipulate, and die. But there’s one thing that will always stay the same and that’s the Truth. Until I live in a world where this is a reigning virtue and therefor most everything results and reacts upon that virtue and secrets and power are given up to it, nothing will be too farfetched to believe or learn about. But that does not mean I am satisfied.
Also, nukes will be the death of us all. If not because of the power of them then because of the thinking being done by powerful men/woman that ensured/created them in the first place. Truth is they want to defer every opposition, not just nuclear ones.
Video games is just sprinkles on the doughnut.

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The Phillies Have Hired Ryne Sandberg To Manage Their Aaa Affiliate In Lehigh Valley. Are You Surprised?

I think everyone thought that the Cubs were grooming him to take over shortly. What happened?

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