Tag Archive | "Stanford"

Is It Too Late To Get Into Stanford?

I just changed majors and I’m at the beginning of my 4th of 5 years as an undergraduate. Last year I only was able to take 15 credits of an into to programming sequence. This year and next year I am basically completing my entire B.S. in Computer Science. My school is small and only has two faculty members in their CS department which is more of an appendage to the engineering department. Still, like many students just starting in a new direction, I am hopeful that somehow I could overcome and gain the knowledge and experience needed in these two short years to escape the destiny of writing outdated business apps in visual basic for all eternity. When I look at the really cool research areas that major universities get to explore, I am inspired to search out a niche for myself.
Is this reasonably possible? What might I want to do to help get to the point where I am equal to a recent graduate from a top CS university undergraduate program?
Thank you.

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Do Colleges Care If You Played A Sport During High School?

I’m about to start high school and I want to make the most out of it. I ask this question because I do not plan on playing ANY sports during high school. Will that ruin my chances of going to a good university?
I am thinking of joining clubs like Key club, Recycling club and this other club that does a lot of volunteer work and community service. My mum wants me to join a swim team but the swim team is not school affiliated. does this till count at an extra curricular? I’m trying for Stanford and University of Washington, but still I want to know what you think, will this hurt any of my chances for my future? all answers are appreciated, thank you!
I could play school soccer, but I dunno…

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Transfering To A Different College? Opinions?

I went out of state for college to a fairly reputable (but not Stanford/Ivy level) university, and I miss home. Everything is so different and I feel like a made my decision hastily and was a little misinformed. Should I transfer back home to my state school (less reputable, but a lot cheaper)? I have no friends here and I’ve tried several activities and such but none of them has yielded any social connections. I just don’t feel like I fit in here. I like the academic part of the university (and I’m doing pretty well at that), but I’m just bored with the town and the people and my lack of a social life. Should I continue to try to find my niche or transfer back to my home state?

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