Tag Archive | "Salah"

Ramadan- Praying Salah Secretly?

Because of my view of Islam my parents think i’m becoming an extremist because I think pictures, tv ,music, certain soap is haram etc. while they’re more lenient and think many rulings were of “zaman moayan” ie. almost everything is halal as long as you have good intention/almost everything has an excuse. I love them but things are becoming difficult for me.
Okay so basically My parents won’t let me pray sunna salahs and qada salahs (from years past) (because they believe the amount of time I spend praying daily is making me fall behind in school/make me anti-social/) and I have about a week of qada (of sunnah and qada) salah to make up. I’ve been thinking of methods to make them up without my parents knowing, for instance I pray during lunch time, but I can normally only make up one salah, maybe two and when my parents are out etc. I’ve been trying to pray in bed, but sometimes I accidentily sleep + sometimes I don’t have wadu and if I make wadu after isha my parents get suspicious. I have also been setting my alarm to wake me up in the middle of the night, but my mother sometimes unplugs my alarm clock when I’m not looking. Is it okay to do “secret salah” in whatever means possible? like sitting in the car, pretending to do homework/reading a book, while in stores and super markets pretending to be in “another section” make small motions with my body and then cut salah whenever my parents talk to me? my father has ” ‘adaytny dag” several times, and one time even got out a “sikeen” when he was really mad but my mom convinced him to put it away. Is it okay for me to do it faster than usual? Read surat Al-fatiha without pausing? Isn’t it wajb? Any exceptions because of circumstances?
ps. I also want to make qada for some years I didn’t fast but after fasting 5 days in a row my parents physically force me to eat. Is my fast valid if I have intention to fast but my circumstances prevent me? So far for the past 2/3 weeks or so I have been fasting every single day and don’t eat unless my parents force me to eat
p.p.s I realise that I am making qada for sunnah, but that’s a personal decision, even if I don’t have to I want to.

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What Should Be The Sentence For These Two Muslim Arabs Who Killed Three Children And Their Parents In Itamar?

Two Palestinian Arabs, Hakim Maazan Niad Awad, an 18-year-old high school student, and Amjad Mahmud Fauzi Awad, 19, both from the West Bank village of Awarta, located 2 kilometers south of the settlement of Itamar were arrested in recent days for the brutal slaying of five members of the Fogel family in their Itamar home last month, the IDF and Shin Bet said on Sunday following the lifting of a media ban on the investigation.
The suspects have confessed to the stabbings and re-enacted the murders, security forces said on Sunday. According to Army Radio, they did not express remorse for their crimes.
Both men are affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) terror group and received significant assistance from family members and friends after the attack, security forces added.
The suspects planned the stabbings days ahead of time. On the night of March 11, after unsuccessful attempts to obtain firearms from a local PFLP representative in their village, the two set out toward Itamar on foot, armed with knives, a wirecutter and masks to cover their faces.
After walking one kilometer, they cut the wire fence that surrounds Itamar, climbed through a forest and over a hilltop, and reached a row of homes.
The suspects at first entered a home adjacent to the Fogel residence, but found that nobody was home. They stole an M-16 rifle from the home, ammunition and body armor, before walking on.
“They saw children sleeping in the home, and entered the Fogel family residence,” the IDF said.
Immediately after entering the home, the youths set their knives on two young brothers sleeping in their beds, 4-year-old Elad and 11-year-old Yoav.
They then entered the parents’ bedroom, where they launched a knife attack on Ehud and Ruth Fogel. The parents fought back, attempting to fend off the attackers, but died of their stab wounds during the struggle.
The two then left the house. One of the suspects returned and stabbed the three-month-old baby Hadas after she began crying to death in her crib.
According to Israel Radio, Amjad said that he was unaware that there were two other children in the house, and that if he had known, he would have stabbed them as well.
After completing the slaughter, the suspects walked back to the village and told Hakim’s uncle, PFLP member Salah Adin Awad, what they had done.
Salah hid their firearms and instructed them to burn their clothes, which were covered in blood.
The youths then resumed their daily life, while Salah sent the weapons to a friend in Ramallah, Jad Avid, who hid the guns in his home.
What would you do with them?

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