Tag Archive | "Resolution"

How Can I Improve The Resolution From Smartphone To Vizio High Def Tv?

I am using a mini hdmi to hdmi cable from the new Atrix 2 4g smart phone into a Vizio jv50p high def plasma tv. It looks fairly good but very noticeable in pixeling. I would like to make the resolution like it is seen on the phone. The enlarged resolution from the phone on to the t.v is obvious, and drops the quality of the picture. As far as can be seen, there is no ability on the tv to adjust settings for the picture, no options for this seem to exist. I am guessing that it is a preset resolution internal to the tv (unless there is a secret way to do it).
My only idea of a solution would be some type of app from the droid market? or a way of cabling that I am unfamiliar with. So any sharpies out there got a possible solution to this?

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At What Resolution Do I Need To Design A Website At?

I’m working on the beginnings of a few websites for some organizations I am affiliated with, and I had this thought: I know the traditional view is that screens project at 72/96ppi, but I know this is not the case as a computer screen goes by the actual pixels and not dpi/ppi (a 357px by 423px image will display that many pixels regardless of monitor resolution…it will just look “bigger” or “smaller” depending on the resolution). So my question is, as I’m designing my site(s), does it really matter what resolution I design at? 300 so I can see more detail? Any clarification will certainly help! Thanks in advance!

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