Tag Archive | "Republicans"

I Don’t Know What Political Party To Take As My Own?!?

I’m confused. I’m 17, in high school. We took this little test to see which political party to affiliate ourselves with. My problem is that I have conservative beliefs and liberal beliefs, but I disagree with Conservatives such as Republicans. I also have liberal beliefs but I disagree with Democrats.
I don’t know where I fit! I couldn’t choose one because there was none that I agreed with.
Will I be able to vote, even though I’m not affiliated with a party?

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Does It Boost Your Confidence To Call Yourself A Conservative?

I can tell that some Republicans believe that are “better quality” individuals than Democrats.
It seems like it helps some people’s self esteem to call themself a Conservative since Cons stereotype themself of having morals and being rich.
They say Democrats are the poor drug addicts. But really, I think anyone who actually affiliates and pays attention to politics and the world is a “productive” person. Liberals care about the metally sick, which makes it seem like Dems are the ones with morals by caring about others.
I’m Independent though because both parties are equal in my mind and all they do is divide people

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Republicans Are To The Military, Just As Democrats Are To What?

stereotypically, at least, republicans are pro-military and vice versa; it could be said that people in the service tend to vote republican vs. democrat more often than not due to how each party canditade typically thinks.
but i was thinkin… what is an organization/affiliate or whatever that tends to vote democratic??

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Is The Bush Recession Lasting Longer Than The Experts Thought?

Many so-called experts predicted that the recession would end in 2008-2009.
Today, Its no secret that the economy is sluggish except for the stock market. Could you imagine if republicans were still in power? They would have an even longer recession.
The way to get out is to get money in peoples pockets. Increasing jobs seems reasonable but there are other ways. Our poor need help and education and there a lot of teachers and case workers that can be employed out of our colleges.

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Recently The Us Murderd A Saudi Freedom Fighter,?

when will they dispatch american tobacco companies as well those pesky terrorists murder 443,000 americans each year,
World Health Organisation Official figures,,,,,,,, a organisation not affiliated with republicans or democrats, i think…..

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Why Doesn’t The Tea Party Repeal The 21 Drinking Age For Everyone?

It’s no secret that the Tea party claims to follow the constitution like a 2nd bible. That being said, why don’t Tea Party Republicans seriously consider repealing the 21 drinking age for everyone (not just members of the military). That would be very consistent with their ideology, since the federal government and the supreme court B S-ed their way around the constitution when the law was passed. Plus, remember that the Tea Party marketed itself as an organization that defends freedom. If they truly defend freedom, then they should be against the government telling legal adults what types of beverages they can have and at what age. What do you say?

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