Tag Archive | "public education"

Is There Anything You Disagree With Your Political Party On?

I get a strong sense that most people in this section are dogmatists, automatically and mindlessly agreeing with everything their party or ideology says, with conclusions coming first and rationalization and debate being afterthoughts.
I’m curious how many of us can identify a major area of disagreement with our stated affiliated party or other political labels. Any conservatives support abortion rights, or gay rights? Any liberals in opposition to affirmative action, or back a flat tax? How many of us here aren’t dogmatists? 🙂
(For my own part, I consider myself left-leaning, and a staunch Democrat. Off the top of my head, I oppose the organics movement, I consider myself an environmentalist but reject conservationalism as a solution, I think public education could strongly benefit from decentralization, competition and vouchers, and I regard affirmative action as institutionalized bigotry.)

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