Tag Archive | "physical abilities"

How To Get Into Sports Without Any Experience?

I am the antipode of athleticism incarnate. I am not, however, overweight. I really might as well be, judging by my physical abilities. Anyway, I would really love to finally get into a sport as well as get in shape. The only problem is, I don’t know where to start! I’m at an age where anyone I know who plays sports has already found their niche. There aren’t any starter classes for people my age. I also am an awkward person…very clumsy and all. I’m really your stereotypical nerd who’s spent too much time pursuing academic endeavours and being socially isolated. This has resulted in horrible anxiety in performance/high pressure situations. I suppose I am really trying to ask how I can just start playing a sport when I’m so horrible. Who would take the time to teach me so much that others already know? I really just want to find a group at my level, which is extremely low. The reason I don’t just barge in on a team and join is that I know they will hate me for making them LOSE!! Any tips for my little predicament? Any stories of experience?

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