Tag Archive | "overheard"

How Can I Get Rid Of A Fellow Tenant?

there is a troublesome tenant in the building im staying in. She’s constantly agitating the other tenants and can be found to be the source of ALL the issues that take place here. Just recently I overheard her plotting to have some of the neighborhood children, whom are most likely affiliated with some sort of gang, harass and assault the people who live with me in my unit as well as the other tenants. I’m getting sick and tired of this old witch and I’m looking for a way to remove her. I consulted with another tenant on the matter and they suggested making a petition and having everyone in the building sign it, would that really help? I would appreciate it if anyone could come up with any other ideas to help.
P.s. I would try talking with the current apartment manager but it appears that hes on her side of the matter, seeing as though he goes out of his way defend during previous confrontations,

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