Tag Archive | "oldest profession"

Which Would You Say Is Worse, Theft Or Exploiting Someone Who Is Impoverished?

Consider the Secret Service and Military scandal in Columbia:
In the USA, prostitution is considered illegal since it violates the dignity and quality of life of a person due to economic disparity.
Where prostitution is legal; the act is still considered unethical by our own value system–but since it is considered a legal (and the “oldest profession”), when the person is owed money they expect to be paid since this is how they earn their costs of living.
Where the Secret Service actually committed a theft, if prostitution is legal in Columbia–by our own standards the entire market is illegal since it exploits those who are less advantaged.
The question is for those who don’t find a problem with the market of prostitution–which is worse, theft or exploiting the less advantaged?

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