Tag Archive | "negative comments"

Lyrics To A New Song (past-story) What Do You Think?

Hi this is the lyrics to a song I’ve wrote could Past-Story play on words to pastry 😛 could you tell me what you think, thank you 🙂
Hear the voice inside your head,
Filling you with hatred filling you with dread,
Making you want to spend days in bed
No matter what anybody says
You believe it’s true
Affecting the way you spend
Every day of your life
I’m a man I need to face my demons
but I, myself don’t understand them
Maybe I should just dream on
You try and help yourself but nothing works
Always end up with the uneducated berks
You relate to about as much as Turks
But they won’t make me turn on the water works
Take the voices, decide what they say
Take the negative comments & put them at bay
Live life to the full until you become grey
Have the grandchildren around ‘Oh I Say!’
Flying away to somewhere new
Finding much better things to do
Allowing the problems to fade away
Seeing blue skies and not the grey
Wanting a path of which I’ll employ
Of which will make me laugh & also enjoy
An outcome not of a wasted attempt
An effort of which was well worth spent
Raise your profile let your personality unleash
Even if it only attracts a particular niche
Love yourself like you love your mates
Don’t let your low self-esteem produce fates
Your time has come but what have you done
Has your life just begone
Have you lived happily & long
Did you think you were right
When you were wrong?

Posted in Affiliate Marketing 101Comments (0)

What Do U Think Of This Website Idea Www.biggesthater.com Do U Think People Will Use It?

Its all based on negative comments and the videos are linked from youtube and so on. Teh idea seems to be taking the hate from other sites and making this a hate niche

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