Tag Archive | "Nazi"

Is Hitler In A Nazi Base On The Moon?

Apparently, the Fuehrer didn’t limit his land-grabs to the Earth. A popular conspiracy theory posits that Hitler had Nazi scientists reverse-engineer UFOs using alien technology. Then, when the war was coming to an end, Hitler was sent to the moon, presumably for safe-keeping. “Using rocket technology, the Nazis sent Hitler to a secret base on the moon,” The Sun reports. The 2012 movie Iron Sky depicts the Nazi’s returning from this moon base to establish a Fourth Reich.

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How Was Nazi Germany’s Economy Before Wwii?

Since Adolf Hitler wanted to receive European domination, I imagine him producing more factories to produce more weapons for future preparations. Therefore I assume it was flourishing before the second world war.
Is this true?
Please answer with a reasoning. Thanks!

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Would This Be Considered White Power?

So I DONT want to be affiliated with white power/ nazi in any way what so ever. I want a career in law enforcement so what would you think. I have a shaved head and I am blonde iv had a shaved head for 7 years but I am part German but i do want to show my German heritage by getting the german coat of arms eagle tattooed across my chest, would this be a bad choice for the career I am going to choose or would people think I’m white power? Btw I don’t care what people think of me… As I already have a sleeve. I just dot want to be looked at in a bad German way. Thanks

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Naming All Nazi Organisations?

Can someone please name most if not all organisations affiliated with the Nazi party?
For example the SS

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