Tag Archive | "muscle mass"

What Am I Doing Wrong? Trying To Lose Fat And Tone Up!?

Okay, ever since i’ve been back on the market i’ve want to better myself to finally be the person i’ve wanted to be. I am very thin framed and short, and though I have been underweight by a few pounds for my BMI since high school it’s not because i’m annorexic!!! i’m far from that, and I think it stems from me having more fat and almost nonexistant muscle mass (since fat does weigh less than muscle). I’ve gained 10 pounds from a miscarriage which did put me at a healthy weight bmi finally, but it was 10 pounds of additional fat. I don’t want to look like i’m starving, I just want a very nice toned up appearance, I want to be musclar like a Victorias secret model, I just want to look healthy. Not starving, not like a weight lifter. I am currently 5’1″ and 103 pounds, and as I really don’t care what my weight is i’d like to just not see fat and actually be able to see slight definition in my stomach, my thighs or my arms. When I sit down not only do I have rolls but I have about 5″ inches of fat to my waistline. Since the beginning of this month I have started to go to the gym 6 days a week for mostly an hour, some days 4 hours. I do 10 minutes on the stair master at level 17, then I do some outer thigh, inner thigh sets. I do about 3-4 reps of 20 sometimes 30. Then I do 3 different kinds of abdominal toning machines 3-4 reps of 20. then 2 kinds of tricep machines 3 reps of 20. I do elipiticals for another 20 minutes. Then tredmill for 5 minutes. I sometimes do the bike too and hamstrings. I was eating normal the first week, then by the second week when I didnt see any difference and gained a pound (which could have been muscle but still no fat loss) I started calorie watching, To begin with it’s been hard for me to even consume 2000 calories a day, i’ve never had a problem gaining weight just a problem losing it and toning it up. I could eat fast food and crap all day and still not reach 2000 calories! But I did start eating healthier, cut fast food out and I consume around 1000 calories a day, mostly salads and protein and eggs. I also try to keep my carbs under 100 and continue to go to the gym almost daily. I still see no difference, my weight isn’t even changing anymore. I’m also a cocktail waitress, so I get plenty of exercise every night when I work from being on my feet for 8 hours a night with nonstop powerwalking while holding multiple heavy pitchers of beer. I don’t want to get super skinny and lose my *** and my C cup, I just want a more defined musclar appearance and want to get rid of my stomach, the flab on the back of my arm, and like a few pounds off my thighs which are beginning to get celulite. Overall there’s not alot of weight loss i’m looking at but it currently seems impossible to achieve it!!! What am I doing wrong? I’m almost about to buy trimspa to aid my diet and exercise but i’m afraid of how much weight I might lose with it. Can anyone correct my methods and also give me any advice to make my goals a reality?

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