Tag Archive | "model"

How Can I Start A Modeling Career?

hi ^_^ Im 18 years old 5’7 and weight 121. i have a unique look to me considering im mix with american, latina and arabic.I can pass for many races. Is that good? and Yes I have model before for bridal markets but I wanna get more into victoria secret but Im real lost on who to talk to or how to get started please help :'(

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Do Wwjdhi Impede Or Hurt Other Aspiring Novelists By Flooding The Market With Their Work?

Wwjdhi. Translation being writers who just don’t have it. I’m talking about those writers who want to be desperately published and make serious money from it. Now, I know no one here on Yahoo Answers (those of you who are writers of fiction and have penned short stories or massive seven hundred page novels) are in it to reach this goal. In fact, it seems every writer that I talk to only writes as a hobby or they write for their family and friends or because they LOVE to write.
I’ve never not once come across a writer who flat out admits, ”Yes, I write novels because I want to be the next Jk Rowling. I write books because I want to make millions and be on the NYT Bestselling list.”
Not. One. Single. Time. It’s like they’re ashamed to admit it. But whatever ”it” is there are certain writers who have it and others who don’t. It’s like having a girl or a hundred girls who think, for whatever reason, that they have what it takes to be a Victoria Secret model and so they try to ”break in” to the industry. They try for five or ten years even and are constantly rebuffed because while they might be pretty, they’re not quite what the industry is looking for.
And then you have a stunning, shapely twenty-one year old blonde who becomes a Victoria secret model on her very first try, without really breaking a sweat as opposed to the others who have been trying for ten years. Are there writers out there who clog the markets with their sad submissions, writers who just can’t realize that they are wwdhi? And more importantly, is it a fair thing to do?

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Where Could I Go To Make A Cheap Plastic Model Of A Future Product?

The object is a one piece, plastic “box”. It is however a niche product (I can’t give away my ideas).
Is there anywhere I could order such a model of somewhat firm plastic (approx 3in^3 material, dimensions of approx 6x4x8in) for less than 100 USD? If I go into production, where could I go to manufacture it in bigger volumes (maybe 100-1000 at a time) for max 2 dollars per unit?

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Is Gause’s Principle Right?

I am doing my biology lab. my lab is about Ecological Niche. bacteria is our model organism. we set temperature and PH as the “space” or niche. finally I get a graph PH vs temperature. part of organism’s environment actually is same. so, I think my results doesn’t prove Gause’s principle. however, I am not sure about my conclusion.

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Is Gause’s Principle Right?

I am doing my biology lab. my lab is about Ecological Niche. bacteria is our model organism. we set temperature and PH as the “space” or niche. finally I get a graph PH vs temperature. part of organism’s environment actually is same. so, I think my results doesn’t prove Gause’s principle. however, I am not sure about my conclusion.

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Multiple Choice Question On Evolution?

According to the multiregional model for human origins,
A. Homo sapiens arose in Africa and in Asia at about the same time from ancestral populations of H. neanderthalensis.
B. populations of Homo erectus in different regions faced different selection pressures and they gave rise to races of Homo sapiens.
C. Homo sapiens evolved in Africa but then established multiregional, separately evolving populations after migrating to Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America.
D. the human evolutionary tree is really more like a bush because our ancestors evolved in many different regions and filled numerous ecological niches.

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