Tag Archive | "Mentally"

Why Usually People Who Hate God Are Mentally Ill?

I mean, that is almost always the case. In some book that I read one guy wanted church to burn, and now also in some book is said that Niche called himself an antichirst and quickly after that he lost his mind. As for me, I am an atheist, I for myself cannot say that I hate anyone or anything.

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Am I Mentally Unstable? (read Details)?

OK, so I’m a 15 year old freshman. I don’t quite know how to express how I feel because I feel that I cannot explain how I feel… well anyway here it goes.
I feel like I’m gripping a different reality. A reality where everything not Okay, well a reality were nothing is OK. Let me elaborate In my world nothing matters, but people want some kind of reason to hang on. So they make up all this stupid ****. And by stupid **** I mean different cultures. Were all just bored so as a coping mechanism our minds just occupy made up niches. Everything is totally neurological. There is no universal right or wrong, Because who gets to establish right and wrong? (Don’ throw any God **** at me, It’s insulting…)
Sometimes I feel anxious and nervous for no particular reason. I think of suicide and death a lot. I think of killing my self for very minor reasons, like having to do an essay and present it. something along those lines. I am very easily irritated. I know I should not be self conscious, because there is no reason to be. And I know that what I just wrote is totally irrational.
I also have deja vu alot if that means anything.
So am I mentally unstable or am I just being a teenager(hormonal stuff)? Or am I just bored like everyone else?

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