Tag Archive | "market choices"

Can Someone Please Explain To Me Trader Joe’s Niche?

When it first opened, I got it. I went there all the time. I loved it. Now though with all the food market choices I would never go there except for the free coffee and because it is walking distance from my place. Besides, there are always more employees in the store at any one time than customers which makes an already narrow layout that much more harder to navigate.

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Describe In The Most Basic Terms What You Want Your Society To Be And Explain What Stops That From Happening?

A society based on international trade and interdependence that will bring you the wonders of the world but leave you in a state of being removed from the things which impact your life and entire sets of circumstance completely out of your control and in the trusted hands of others you judge competent servants of the public will
A wage that insures a base quality of life acceptable to all available to all — a predefined if your working 40 hours the money you get should at least be able to provide this base minum of a living standard —- or to never be involved and have wages be seen as a thing of pride to be kept secret and never discussed or compared in either amount or purchasing power
Safe and free movement — or tolls to pay for private ussage passageways offered to the public for a cost — The collection of taxes you have no say in — or a strangle hold on what the government can gain revenues from in order to allow the purchases of the people more freedom of choice by economic leverage than the government —
Should pricing things outside the markets ability to pay be used as a leverage against those people to create strangle holds — or commodities undersold in such mass as to bankrupt all smaller or should the rule of law be based more on fighting profiteering and corporate warfare which only ever hurts the market choices of goods while centralizing an economic power
Describe in the most basic terms what you want your society to be and explain what stops that from happening?

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