Tag Archive | "leather trench coat"

Men Wearing Black Leather Trench Coats?

Why is it that you never see men wearing trench coats anymore? Everyone I have asked seems to think that you either have to be Neo or affiliated with the mafia to wear one. I think they are an iconic, classic piece of outer wear and am considering purchasing one. Now I can’t afford any Burberry trench coats, but there are some other brands at the mall for under $200.
What do I need to know to pull off the look? Would blue carpenter jeans and tan steel-toe work boots be alright to wear with a loose fitting black leather trench coat? How about a hat? I have one of those furry “commie” style winter hats, do those go well with a black trench? The one I tried on went down to about halfway between my knee and ankle, I’m about 6’1″ and 175 lbs and the jacket fit quite loosely over a collared button up tee-shirt. Does that sound about right?

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