Tag Archive | "labor unions"

Obama Is Socialist, When Will The Democrats Ever Agree?

– Health Care
– Redistribution of Wealth
– Reduction of Free Market System
– Welfare President
– Extreme Business and Economic Control
– Contraception Bill
-Thinks Labor Unions Should Be Allowed to Organize Without a Secret Ballot
– Right to housing for everyone

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Can Anyone Check If My English Grammar Is Right? Please And Thank You!?

I am writing an essay and English is not my native language. Please, check my text for mistakes, thanks:
“The State also promoted the reduction of the levels of negotiation by activity branch, favoring the companies where the union power was less. Other norms promoted by the State were: a strike hyper-regulatory mechanism that leaded to declare them illegal most of the times, the instability of the collective agreements as to the time of the agreed benefits and the integral revision of the existing ones, and the possibility of receiving just one compensation before an arbitrary dismissal, becoming difficult to reach the reinsertion to the job, among other measures.
What effects did these changes have in the labor organizations? According to the report of Smith, in terms of its relation with the environment, the DGTB was unable to avoid the disaffiliation and reach that new sectors affiliate to company labor unions.”

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Wal-mart And The Free Market System, Part Ii.?

*Okay, I’ve figured this out…the question was too long, and YahooAnswers cut me off. Sorry for the confusion.*
A friend of a friend was selected for promotion to management at the Wal-Mart where he worked. They drove him to another building nearby, separate from the store, led him into a room – all the while in a very hush-hush, top secret manner – and there he was told to watch a training video. They also made it clear to him that he was not, under any circumstances, to share with others what he had seen in this video. What he did see, in that video, he described as such blatant propaganda, specifically against labor unions, that he was instantly rendered unable to stomach the idea of management, period. He turned down the position. I believe I was even informed that he may have just quit his job entirely. Not sure about that part, this is something I was told about several months ago.
At least in my area, there are attorneys who have been contacted with requests to file a lawsuit against Wal-Mart. Did they take any of these cases? NO. Why? Because Wal-Mart is so big, so powerful, that any isolated lawsuit would stretch on for years, whether or not the plaintiff won at all, and eventually force the plaintiff into sleeping in a cardboard box on the street, because the legal fees alone would destroy their pocketbooks. These attorneys seemed to care too much about the clientele to even bother with such a risk. This is why the class-action suit mentioned above is a class-action suit in the first place…it is the only truly effective fight against such a behemoth. The company remarked that they would find it easier [whatever they mean by that] to treat every case individually, and that seems to tie in with the truth about their “ethics”…or lack thereof…does it not?
Am I the only one who feels that this company, if not others [Target, KMart, others…] is behaving as the true enemy of Capitalism? Is it all a sign that Wal-Mart is a problem for this country [depending on how problematic we view one economic system over another]? Child labor, something that would NEVER happen in America, unless a few rotten incidents happened to slip through the cracks, partnership with communist countries, mistreatment of employees, destruction in any other form it chooses to implement for the sake of itself?

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