Tag Archive | "kitchen"

How Do I Deal With The Ridicule?

I don’t fit in with my peer group. I cant fit in. I have behavioral issues, and I cant just look n find my own niche and fit into place. So most would see me as childish. I can talk about stuff, but that does run out. So I’m socially awkward. Due to this, I AM happy when I get invited to places and am WELCOMED. But it seems mom gets the ridicule. People wonder y she didn’t raise me right. When people see me, they don’t think any thing’s wrong with me, and when they see these issues, they blame my mom. It’s not her fault. Most in my peer group are wives and moms. I’m not either of these. In our culture(dint know if this is common in american culture), all the women gather in the kitchen, and find something to do(this happens whether there’s a lot or a little to do, or if the women outnumber the tasks to b done). I find that I’m always in the way, so I stay away. I usually mingle with kids, because I figure it’s better than staring into space. But of course, that does raise eyebrows since it’s WEIRD. I’m not trying to b noticed, I just want to fit in somewhere. I figured hanging out with kids(I can relate to them since I grew up in the states), I have more to share. But with adults, I’m more of a nuisance than a help(I’m really slow at stuff too). Even if a party’s at MY house, ladies find a way of ushering me out of MY own kitchen(because I slow them down)…so they take over my task. And if I do yell at them to go away, again, mom gets the ridicule, and I get yelled at for not being lady-like. There’s no winning here(ok, I don’t yell, I just leave, but only once did I yell at an elderly lady who wasn’t my mom n get praised for it).
I don’t ask to be included in social settings, but I guess folks feel bad for me or something, so I get invited, n since I have nothing better to do, I go…it’s fun too. But the above mentioned things are the problems. Plus, the kids do seem to like me, so if I withdraw, they’d wonder y and want me to come. It’s not like I’m best friends with any kids. They know I’m around their parent’s ages. But still, they seem to enjoy my company. No, there’s nothing sick going on, we’re all within eyesight n earshot of the others(which is y mom gets the ridicule for having a childish daughter n not raising her right).
I just want to know how to deal. Thanks.

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Boiler – Sound Insulation?

I live in 3 bedroom house consisting of ground floor ( kitchen, dining room, bathroom ), staircase to 1st floor ( street level ) bedroom, lounge, staircase to 2nd floor ( 2 bedrooms ).
Unfortunately we have a boiler in bedroom on the 1st floor, with no option to move it ( has been installed there by previous owners of the house ), because this room is above kitchen and next to staircase to the ground floor, there is a room in the wall we have this boiler and one of the boys is complaining of the noise the boiler makes when starting up heating water in the morning. ( starts at 5am due to shift work ).
Is it possible to sound insulate the niche by some board ? is it allowed ? The niche is sort of prism approx 2,5 x 2,7 x 2,7 feet.
thanks for your help

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