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Who Are Largest Stockholders/owners Of Central Banks, Pimco Blackrock Jpmorganchase Citibank And Can?

can ownership be traced back to Rothschilds owned and controlled Corporations/entities? I found some posts which I tried to verify but the ownership of central banks is either SECRET OPAQUE or very complicated eg the Federal reserve Banks in the US
http://www.zimbio.com/David+de+Rothschild/articles/6/Wo+Owns+Federal+Reserve+Rothschilds+Bank+England. and
http://www.save-a-patriot.org/files/view/whofed.html. What I am trying to establish is
1 Who owns the central banks?
2 who owns the banks that own the Central banks?
3 Who therefore REALLY owns and CONTROLS the BIS? and
4. are these the SAME people/entities who majority own and control (directly or via subsidiaries) the major players in the financial markets such as PIMCO Blackrock JP Morgan Citibank Goldman BofFA?

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