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Recent Venture Capital Interview?

I had a recent preliminary interview with a venture capital firm on Wall Street. For one I was surprised the firm would even spend the time contacting me because I have had no previous finance experience. However, I feel I would add benefit to the firm nonetheless. I had an initial interview with the firm on a video call. I was a bit disappointed by the situation in the end. I felt as though the interviewer was all tensed up, and was sort of grilling me. This was okay, but seemed a bit strange. I felt uncomfortable by the video call, because it was hazy, and I wasn’t able to use my body language to draw the interviewer into a good connection with me. The questions were kind of blah general and when I attempted to answer them, if I didn’t say what he was looking for he seemed to get an irritated look in his face. I am a nice person, but he kind of set the tone in a way like he was trying to control the interview. This doesn’t mean he is smarter than me, I guess he just likes to do that. He said he needed to discuss possibilities with members of his firm about it. I feel like this interview mainly went wrong because of his demeanor that comes from the stress from his job. This demeanor I think helped me not answer the questions to the best of my abilities, and afterwards I was thinking, well that I could easily have said much better. I also feel like more things could have been talked about. Any of you have a situation like this, or advice about what I should do? Should I wait and message him later, I feel like he is a busy individual under high stress that doesn’t have much time for things. Should I tell him I have talked to presidents about specific numbers of capital they need and try to link them into deals focused on their niche? Should I just move onto the next firm, and wait to hear later, or run a message to them?

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