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What Is A Business A 15 Year Old Can Do, That Can Potentially Make Millions?

I’m 15, I have a lot of experience with business. Since the age of 5, I have been extremely business-orientated, I would prefer drawing up business plans than to watch cartoons. I have had success with some businesses in the past, making 1000 in one month from a hair extensions business, and raked in a lot from affiliate works through a very popular fansite I made at the age of 12, which was featured one site’s ‘#1’ in the Entertainment category. Right now, I get very great grades in school.
However, my love is business, my life revolves around it. I hear about teenagers my age who have made millions from business, and I’ve lately been thinking constantly of business ideas and niches that can potentially have a huge turnover. Some are good ideas, but I feel like I’m missing a great idea, I know there are many out there. I’m almost becoming impatient, and desperate. I’ve thought of everything (even a Milkshake that can be used as a skincare product, which probably sounds silly but I tested it and it works. However my father said I probably won’t do well with it).
What can I do?!
Thanks in advance!

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