Tag Archive | "game of life"

Is This A Good Start To A Story ?

Hey so Im 14 and I love writing but i dont know if Im good or not here is one of my new books ive started on
Houston Breeze
The day you step out into this world or should I say kick and scream your way into it is when you finally start on a road to a life of choices. whether good or bad you’re in the “game”of life until the day you lay your back in that nice mahogany coffin so until then dealing with those choices is your focus. My family seemed to have the perfect life my grandpa had the perfect game plan he sold raincoats in one of the rainiest cities Seattle he only sold about 100 in the first year which barely paid for his house let alone a new wife so when a leasing building in the center of town opened he decided to buy it with all of his life’s savings and after 1 month of business he finally sold 2,000 raincoats and he earned his money soon his small raincoat business was a booming rainy day hangout spot umbrellas, raincoats ,books ,coffee and treats for the road were all in the store and he made about a 250,000 dollars in the first year and then he had my Mom Anna Roberts and she grew up rich she was the all American sweet heart and she was loved by everyone she had the nicest dresses and the coolest clothes and the best shoes and the best guy Joseph Edwards the most promising Lawyer in all of Seattle and when they got married in 1919 my dad was pretty determined to be a lawyer. then lifes choices popped up in the form of a poster he found a place where wolves roamed and berries and wheat grew wild and then he decided his dream should be put into action the day my mom told him she was pregnant with me was the day he gave up his dream as a lawyer and put his focus somewhere else she was pretty sad when she had to move to the dry panhandle but when my mom met some girls from Boston at the local town market and they helped her paint that shabby 3 bedroom shack blue with metal shutters and thick glass window panes with a built in ice chest yah it wasn’t perfect but it was something and on the day of February 16th,1921 I was born and it was magic my dad decided to name me Elizabeth Camilla Edwards it was my birth right it was my calling it was a name ….!! The day I was born was the day my Mom went into major excitement she went back to Seattle to visit my grandparents and a quick visit turned into a homesick stay for a month My dad who was making little money as a rancher thought about moving back to Seattle to become a lawyer but My mom knew he would be miserable for the rest of his poor life and the only secret my Mother ever kept from my dad was a 2000 dollar check for emergencies and I don’t think she ever used it that year then came the day where my aunt Teya came to visit My aunt or step aunt I guess it was my grandfathers new wife’s daughter she was rich her husband was a doctor she had 2 adorable kids that pulled my hair on a regular basis and most of all she was a model and some would say she was better than my mother. so of course when my mom saw the letter she immediately assumed she would disagree with the way of life of a ranchers wife and my mom as always was pretty much right on point the letter that came 3 days before her visit was a secret code of saying my life is better than yours….my mother read aloud in the rich and fancy nasal voice of my aunt the letter stating “
Dear Anna,
I was hoping that maybe I could see that niece of mine that just popped out of your pooch of a stomach. I will be visiting the ranch on the 14th of May I think it will be a mighty grand experience I can’t wait to see Joseph I hear he is quite the charmer. I know that your house isn’t quite up to …standards so I’ve decided to stay in a hotel about 20 miles into town it’s not a far ride from your house maybe a good hour . I hope you don’t mind me bringing the children along for a picnic on Sunday I think it will be delightful for you to see Lily and Samuel they are 3 now oh how big they’ve gotten. Well I suppose we will arrive from the train station in Amarillo around 12:30pm so I guess I’ll hire a car service to pick us up since your tight on money I figured you had no car ok well I can’t wait to see you and I hope you have a pleasant week .
Your dearest sister, Teya
My mom went into my room and pulled out a dress it was pink and had pink tulips imprinted in the bottom silhouette she then went to her closet and pulled out a box .. in it contained a recipe book 8 blue floral imprinted china plates and silverware and curtains made of pure silk but at the bottom of that box was the secret the check for 2 thousand dollars the check that might make my mom go crazy at the supermarket

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Three Keys to Choosing the BEST Affiliate Program

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So you have made the decision to be an affiliate marketer. Congratulations! You’ve chosen a business model that has produced millionaires in a very short time, with far fewer resources, and far more fun. But, you are going to need to pick the right affiliate program to improve your chances of reaching millionaire acres in your game of life. So, how do you do that? Use each of these # keys to unlock the doors that would otherwise bar your way.

The First Key: Forget “BEST”

I know this sounds odd. After all, this is an article titled, “.” So, how can I be so bold as to tell you to forget “BEST”? Well, stick with me for a minute on this one.

You will need to get out of your mind the notion that there is ONE BEST affiliate program. Looking for the “best” affiliate marketing program is like looking for the proverbial fountain of youth. It doesn’t exist. What helps one affiliate marketer hit the million dollar jackpot might actually be the very program that destroys another affiliate marketer. The key here is to realize that there are many GOOD affiliate programs out there. To turn something that is GOOD into something that will be the BEST is entirely up to your own knowledge, skills and efforts.

The Second Key: Identify “GOOD”

If you have done any homework at all, you know there are hundreds (maybe even thousands) of affiliate program opportunities online today. To identify those that are “good” you will need to pay attention to the three “I’s”…interest, industry, and information. As you look at the many different choices, sift out those which interest you the most. If they look interesting to you, then you’ll be more successful in writing ad copy, creating content to ad value, and developing freebies to give away on your squeeze pages. If you are not interested in the product, you will not be as genuine, honest, and open as you develop a relationship with your web site visitors.

Once you have those that interest you, you can narrow down your options to fit the industry niche you want to work in. It is only natural for you to find many different affiliate programs in many different industries. You might find several in health and wellness, a few in personal development, some in making money online, and perhaps even others in home improvement or dating relationships. Your success, however, will depend on choosing just one industry niche to start. Then, once you are successful there, choose to branch into another area if you want.

The Third Key: List Your Own Criteria

Every person is unique. Affiliate marketers are no different. Your personality and needs, resources and time commitment, as well as working style will all determine what you need out of an affiliate program. It would really do you a disservice if I put together a laundry list of all the right criteria for turning a good affiliate program into the best affiliate program. Each and every affiliate marketer will need different things at different times. So, the best thing I can tell you is to be sure you stop and spend the time to decide what you need out of an affiliate program. How often do you need to get paid? How much support do you need in getting marketing materials together? Do you need your hand held the entire way, or do you want to go it alone?

You would probably be well served to sign up for a forum or two geared specifically toward affiliate marketers. Sign up for a free account. Lurk for a little while but then jump in with a few thoughts of your own. Ask a question or two. Learn all you can from others who are in the same business. This will help you decide what criteria you need to help you be successful.

As you use each of these three keys…Forget “BEST”…Identify “GOOD”…List Your Own Criteria… you will be able to unlock the doors that will set you on the road to those millions you want, the time freedom you will enjoy, and the fun you seek.

Michael McCleve helps others make money online. He offers free tools to help anyone boost their bottom line and improve their business bottom line.

For a limited time, he is offering 7 free online marketing tools. Get your copy by visiting:

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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