Tag Archive | "economic problems"

When Capitalism Stumbles & Falls, Should “socialist” Plotters Get The Political Blame?

Or if we don’t blame secret “socialist” or “Marxists” in government for supposedly MAKING capitalist fall into crisis, what about blaming the Illuminati, or secret plotters who are trying to prepare the way for the New World Order?
That’s what I hear some people in YA Politics doing, I think. When both Republican administrations and Democratic administrations seem to have the devil’s own time trying to fix the American capitalist economy, I see some commentators concluding that the world is facing a “planned” collapse.
They argue that the global economy is faring badly because the Illuminati, the Masons, the Queen of England, and/or the “New World Order” are deliberately MAKING the economy fail — supposedly to prepare everyone for a Socialist One World Government.
How realistic is this explanation of global and national economic problems, do you think?
Do you agree that American capitalism is so strong and so beneficial, and so resistant to ordinary business crisis, that only secretive anti-capitalist plotters can make it do bad things?
Do you think the worse the capitalist stock market, real estate market or job market gets, the more this “proves” some secretive socialist conspiracy must be gaming the system? Since free-enterprise capitalism would never experience big problems with the stock market, real estate market or jobs market on its own?
Or is it logically simpler to suggest that when capitalist economies go bad, it’s at least partly because of the capitalists?
And that when capitalist financial industries go bad, it’s not mostly because the bankers are secret Illuminati agents, but mostly because they’re making mistakes as bankers?

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When Capitalism Stumbles & Falls, Should “socialist” Plotters Get The Political Blame?

Or if we don’t blame secret “socialist” or “Marxists” in government for supposedly MAKING capitalist fall into crisis, what about blaming the Illuminati, or secret plotters who are trying to prepare the way for the New World Order?
That’s what I hear some people in YA Politics doing, I think. When both Republican administrations and Democratic administrations seem to have the devil’s own time trying to fix the American capitalist economy, I see some commentators concluding that the world is facing a “planned” collapse.
They argue that the global economy is faring badly because the Illuminati, the Masons, the Queen of England, and/or the “New World Order” are deliberately MAKING the economy fail — supposedly to prepare everyone for a Socialist One World Government.
How realistic is this explanation of global and national economic problems, do you think?
Do you agree that American capitalism is so strong and so beneficial, and so resistant to ordinary business crisis, that only secretive anti-capitalist plotters can make it do bad things?
Do you think the worse the capitalist stock market, real estate market or job market gets, the more this “proves” some secretive socialist conspiracy must be gaming the system? Since free-enterprise capitalism would never experience big problems with the stock market, real estate market or jobs market on its own?
Or is it logically simpler to suggest that when capitalist economies go bad, it’s at least partly because of the capitalists?
And that when capitalist financial industries go bad, it’s not mostly because the bankers are secret Illuminati agents, but mostly because they’re making mistakes as bankers?

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When Capitalism Stumbles & Falls, Should “socialist” Plotters Get The Political Blame?

Or if we don’t blame secret “socialist” or “Marxists” in government for supposedly MAKING capitalist fall into crisis, what about blaming the Illuminati, or secret plotters who are trying to prepare the way for the New World Order?
That’s what I hear some people in YA Politics doing, I think. When both Republican administrations and Democratic administrations seem to have the devil’s own time trying to fix the American capitalist economy, I see some commentators concluding that the world is facing a “planned” collapse.
They argue that the global economy is faring badly because the Illuminati, the Masons, the Queen of England, and/or the “New World Order” are deliberately MAKING the economy fail — supposedly to prepare everyone for a Socialist One World Government.
How realistic is this explanation of global and national economic problems, do you think?
Do you agree that American capitalism is so strong and so beneficial, and so resistant to ordinary business crisis, that only secretive anti-capitalist plotters can make it do bad things?
Do you think the worse the capitalist stock market, real estate market or job market gets, the more this “proves” some secretive socialist conspiracy must be gaming the system? Since free-enterprise capitalism would never experience big problems with the stock market, real estate market or jobs market on its own?
Or is it logically simpler to suggest that when capitalist economies go bad, it’s at least partly because of the capitalists?
And that when capitalist financial industries go bad, it’s not mostly because the bankers are secret Illuminati agents, but mostly because they’re making mistakes as bankers?

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