Tag Archive | "Dodo"

A Couple Of Dragonvale Questions? No One Answers So The Best Answer I Promise Will Get Ten Points!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

1. I bred a plant dragon with a storm dragon both level 10 and it’s 6hrs. What did I get?
2. How do you breed a panlong dragon?
3. How do you breed a sun dragon?
4. How do you breed a bloom dragon? ( I have one but I want one more b4 they’re gone!)
5. How come I can’t find the cherry blossem tree?!?!?!
6. When is the Sakura dragon going to be gone?
7. The dodo dragon was a previously secret one right? Cuz I got one b4 they hit the market!
8. What are some easy ways toget gems w/o paying?( I have 44 and I’m saving for the epic breeding island)
9. This is not a question: u can add me on face book my name is Danielle Finley add me and tell me if u wanna send me gem4gem on mesages, I will do this with three people each wek and then switch and if that is not needed then we can keep sending each other gem4gem!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

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What If There Were No Spiders?

Every animal has a niche in it’s environment right? So if an animal dies out then it’s role in the environment is not fulfilled. Thus leading to consequences. I ask this question because whenever I bring up spiders, I am told that they are vital in keeping the population of insects down. But how true is that statement. I mean if spiders were wiped off the earth, would it really come with disastrous consequences. Would it not simply lead to another insect that preys on the same thing to fill the gap. Would we really be head to toe in flys. I’m sure there are arachnid enthusiast who will tell me that spiders are sooooo important, but in reality, surely they are replaceable. Obviously it’s a hypothetical question, seeing as spiders would never die out.
Also, if every animal has an important role to play, what consequences came from the excitation of the Dodo. Did the Dodo have simply little or no role to begin with.

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