Tag Archive | "core message"

Why Do People Assume That Occupy Wall St Participants Are Mostly Democrats?

The core message of OWS is that ‘Wall St’, namely big corporations
with huge amounts of money, is able to control actions of the
government in such a manner which shall benefit the corporations and
their wealthy owners at the expense of eliminating the passage of any
policies that would be beneficial to the middle class and the poor.
Most people affiliate the OWS movement with the Democratic party.
That is, people assume that most OWS participants are lefties.
With that being said, wouldn’t this suggest that
people generally assume that it is the leftie who cares more about having
a fair system while the right-winger has more of a ‘screw the little guy if
you have to because that’s what it takes in a dog-eat-dog world’ mentality?
Democrats are seen as being advocates of decency and fairness while
republicans are seen as dog-eat-dog types (as in screw thy neighbor and
just look out for yourself).
I’m sure that everyone agrees with my opinion…

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