Tag Archive | "chubby"

Is It Just Me Or Is My Sister Starving Herself?

I’m led to believe that my sister starves herself to be thin. When she was really young she used to be sort of chubby (emphasis on the sort of) and one day, out of nowhere, decided to drastically lessen the amount of food she consumed and still continues it today after idk how many years. She never eats. At almost every meal, she takes a max of 5 baby bites and claims she’s full and leaves the table and that’s a max, usually it’s 3. She always tries to skip meals without my mother noticing because lately my mother has been hounding her to finish her meal or have a snack and whenever my mother is successful, she gets mad. Last saturday we went to a flea market and she didn’t have breakfast, or lunch, and come dinner time had 3 bites of food and was done. Like any normal time a human being might be starving, she claims to not be hungry. I’ve pressed my mom about this issue time and time again and she said she’s fine and I’ve asked her myself (we’re close) and she said trust me I don’t do that. She seemed pretty genuine and I believe her but then again it’s really hard to see this kind behavior and not make assumptions. I tried to eat like her for a few days and STARVED. I don’t know if this is just because I have body issues myself (she – skinny, I – fat) or if I’m just in my assumptions but I feel like it could either be all in my head or everyones keeping this big secret from me. Even a few minutes ago, my dad made her spaghetti and I leave for a second and she’s already in her room with over three-quarters of her plate in the trash. I just, I don’t know what to think anymore.

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