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Afraid Of Travelling Overseas Alone. How Do I Find The Courage To Go?

Towards the end of 2011, after I’d experienced a really horrible break up and very heavy period of sadness, I finally picked myself up when I decided that there was nothing else left for me to do than to get away from home and travel abroad. The excitement of meeting new people and finding my ‘niche’ in life was spurring me on, as I imagined that I’d meet a charming guy and find a job I loved and return home renewed.
However in the past month I was enlightened to some medical issues which require further treatment. In just the past few weeks all of my travel savings have been used up, and I just feel completely lost. My motivation is gone, and suddenly I’ve become overwhelmed by fear that I’ll never go through with my plans, or I will and I’ll end up feeling completely alone.
Furthermore, a week ago I got back together with the guy I broke up with. The bond between us is still there, strong as ever. However I feel that this attachment I’m feeling towards him is making it even harder. Having him back is making me dread the day I leave, because I know how difficult it was to say goodbye to him the first time.
I need advice from anyone who’s travelled, or planning to travel, overseas by themselves. How did you pluck up the courage to leave everything behind? How did you keep yourself happy and confident while abroad? How do I get myself motivated again to keep saving money? How do I get the courage to leave the guy I feel so strongly for?

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