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Hypothetical: If A Republican Had Pursued All The Same Policies Obama Has Pursued, Would Democrats Support It?

Let’s pretend Mitt Romney had won in 2008 and done exactly what Obama has done….
Obama kept Guantanamo open. He kept Bush’s indefinite detention policies. He kept Bush’s state secrets arguments to shield the government from any lawsuits. He kept Bush’s guy (Bernanke) as the head of the Federal Reserve. He signed a health care “reform” bill into law whose centerpiece is an “individual mandate” (which is a Republican “market based” solution from the early 90s that Mitt Romney, a Republican, instituted at the state level in MA a few years ago). He tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan. He has committed about 50,000 troops to Iraq indefinitely (he claims they’re non-combat troops and that the war is over). He signed a bill to keep the tax rates on the “rich” the same as they were during the Bush years.
What if Mitt Romney, for instance, had done all this?

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