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What Can I Do To Get This Guy To Notice Me More Without Pushing His Buttons?

I’d like some advice on how to get this guy I like to notice me more. We had a couple dates like three years ago and life just kind of got in the way, I kknow that we liked each other enough, but we were both in school and I was just out of a very long term relationship at the time that we tried to date and besides life being topsy turvy I was still in the middle of trying to get over my ex. Well, it has been three years, I had one year or so where I did not date at all, and I took the time to get to know me without a guy around, so that when I was ready to start dating again I could be comfortable with myself and about re-entering the dating scene again.
I have now been back in the dating scene for over a year trying it out, just going on dates, but I have not been on that many just a couple. But now I am feeling confident enough, and now I am also almost completing my education. I’d like to see if this guy would be interested in trying it out again, with a new me.
First, I’d like to tell you a little bit about him, he is a nice guy, and an interesting person, he is of british descent, speaks with an accent. He takes himself seriously and likes to do things in an honorable fashion, treats the ladies with respect. The two dates that we did go on, he took me out to nice restaurants, and always made sure that I was comfortable. I also like how he attempts to make friends with people where-ever he goes; and one time when I felt cold; he literally got up and checked the temperature in the room and turned it up for me. He is also highly educated, and active in the community, he cares about whats happening in the world (this gave us great conversation).
I am not sure how to get in contact with him, because he does not have a cell phone, he is not the most tech savvy) but I do know what groups within the city that he belongs to and they are pretty large groups. I am thinking about becoming affiliated with one of them and start showing up to meetings here and there; and seeing if he’ll notice. Is this a safe way to do it? Like I said, I don’t want to push his buttons, that is by calling him or sending him emails.
How should I go about trying to entice him in a manner that is natural and not evasive?

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