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Biology Question, Can Some One Help Me?

1. Hawaiian honey-keepers are a group of birds with similar body shape and size. However, they very greatly in color an beak shape. each species occupies its own niche and is adapted to food available in its niche. The evolution from a common ancestor to a variety of species is an example of:
a. divergent evolution
b. convergent evolution
c. artificial selection
d. inbreeding
2. The flying squirrel of North America closely resembles the flying phalanger of Australia. they are similar is size and have long, bushy tails and skin folds that allow them to glide through the air. The squirrel is a placental mammal while the phalanger is pouched mammal. Their resemblances, even though genetically and geographically separated by huge distances, can best be explained by:
a. divergent evolution
b. convergent evolution
c. artificial selection
d. inbreeding
best answer gets 10 points. if you do not want to help then please do not comment.

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