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Anyone Good At Marketing, Or Making A Website Profitable?

Ok, I’m not gonna go crazy into details here but this is my vision.
I have always been above average in computer skills, and thrive off of learning how to do new things.
After many years, I have acquired many talents. Web design, Graphic design, Network penetration/intrusion with linux. etc. etc.
In the back of my mind I guess I always hoped these skills would start to pay off organically, But this has not been the case.
Some people are naturally good at marketing and making business decisions, however, this has been one of my weak points.
No matter how beautiful or informative a Web Site I design, I have yet to master the art of making it profitable.
So now on to my point. I need a partner / partners
Someone who either has skills similar to mine, or skills that will compliment mine in business.
Perhaps some marketing skills? knowledge of affiliate networks and how to use them etc.
Im not looking for anything extremely specific. If you feel like you have great ideas or know how to work well with great ideas, perhaps we can make money together.
If you have a website idea that you think would boom if built correctly i believe i could turn that vision into reality.
As optimistic as it might sound, My long term goal is to build a company sort of like Hasoffers.com or Google even (quite optimistic huh?) but unique in a new way of course.
So now i have put it out there, and will leave the rest to you. With the economy the way it is, surely there are other people with visions like mine and who want to turn their skills into profits.
Just so this isn’t misleading, I’m Merely a guy with a house and a few computers and an internet connection trying to spark something innovative.
Anyone who brings something good to the table will become 50/50 partners unless theres more than 2 of us of course.. age is not an issue, and I am 25 if your wondering.

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