Tag Archive | "acting class"

How Do I Find Out What My Niche Is?

Or talent? I am 15 living in the UK and I have literally been in tears over what career I am going to have. I know I am still young, but I like to plan ahead. I am planning on going to college to do A-Levels. But where do I go from there? I am a pretty good writer and in my gut I would say I could make a pretty good career out of it (writing screenplays ect.) I am intersected in the world of
showbuisness but recently my heart has been telling me to try acting. Big problem. I am VERY
insecure and shy. And again, I’m 15. And didn’t take drama as a GCSE option or anything! What if I go to an acting class and everyone there is younger and better than me? I feel like my chance has
gone:/ I love to put on a show for my friends and they all love it! I’m just so confused, I want a
clear idea of what I want to do for a career but I just can’t fathom it! If you took the time to read this whole essay of a question, thankyou for your time and answer:)

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