Tag Archive | "Act"

Why Do My Parents Act Weird When I Ask Which Political Party They Are Affiliated With?

I asked my parents which political party they were affiliated with and they just looked at me and said they were independant but they acted kind of weird and nervous. Then my other family asked if they were Democrats and everyone went silent. Why are they acting so weird? I am also from Montana and Montana has mainly been Republican but when I asked if they were Republican they just acted weird?

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Look At Everything We Accomplished?

1. Passed Health Care Reform: After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010). It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.
2. Passed the Stimulus: Signed $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began producing more jobs than it was losing, and it has continued to do so for twenty-three straight months, creating a total of nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs.
3. Passed Wall Street Reform: Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, requires derivatives to be sold on clearinghouses and exchanges, mandates that large banks provide “living wills” to avoid chaotic bankruptcies, limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (now headed by Richard Cordray) to crack down on abusive lending products and companies.
4. Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on December 18, 2011.
5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan: From a peak of 101,000 troops in June 2011, U.S. forces are now down to 91,000, with 23,000 slated to leave by the end of summer 2012. According to Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the combat mission there will be over by next year.
6. Eliminated Osama bin laden: In 2011, ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.
7. Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry: In 2009, injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases.
8. Recapitalized Banks: In the midst of financial crisis, approved controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a public-private fund to buy their “toxic” assets. Got banks back on their feet at essentially zero cost to the government.
9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Ended 1990s-era restriction and formalized new policy allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military for the first time.
10. Toppled Moammar Gaddafi: In March 2011, joined a coalition of European and Arab governments in military action, including air power and naval blockade, against Gaddafi regime to defend Libyan civilians and support rebel troops. Gaddafi’s forty-two-year rule ended when the dictator was overthrown and killed by rebels on October 20, 2011. No American lives were lost.
11. Told Mubarak to Go: On February 1, 2011, publicly called on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to accept reform or step down, thus weakening the dictator’s position and putting America on the right side of the Arab Spring. Mubarak ended thirty-year rule when overthrown on February 11.
12. Reversed Bush Torture Policies: Two days after taking office, nullified Bush-era rulings that had allowed detainees in U.S. custody to undergo certain “enhanced” interrogation techniques considered inhumane under the Geneva Conventions. Also released the secret Bush legal rulings supporting the use of these techniques.
13. Improved America’s Image Abroad: With new policies, diplomacy, and rhetoric, reversed a sharp decline in world opinion toward the U.S. (and the corresponding loss of “soft power”) during the Bush years. From 2008 to 2011, favorable opinion toward the United States rose in ten of fifteen countries surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, with an average increase of 26 percent.
14. Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending: As part of the 2010 health care reform bill, signed measure ending the wasteful decades-old practice of subsidizing banks to provide college loans. Starting July 2010 all students began getting their federal student loans directly from the federal government. Treasury will save $67 billion over ten years, $36 billion of which will go to expanding Pell Grants to lower-income students.

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Why Are Democrats So Racist?

Democrats founded the KKK, fought the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, instituted Jim Crow Laws, fought the 1965 Civil Rights Act and continue to keep racism alive and blacks on their liberal plantation. This is an excerpt from the award-winning documentary Emancipation Revelation Revolution
After The Civil Rights Act was passed Democrat President Lyndon Johnson praised Republicans for their overwhelming support.
The Republican Party was formed by anti-slavery activists to combat the pro-slavery Democrats
The Ku Klux Klan was formed by radical Democrats who opposed equality for blacks.
In 1935 Democrats defeated an Anti-Lynching Bill supported and put forward by Republicans.
The 1924 Democrat National Convention in New York was host to one of the largest Klan gatherings in American history. Dubbed the “Klanbake convention”, a minority of delegates attempted to condemn the presence of the Klan but was rebuked by the Klan supporting Democrat Majority.
On April 20, 1871 the Republican Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-Affiliated terrorist groups.
Ronald Reagan, a Republican, made history on November 2, 1983 by signing into law Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a National Holiday. This is the first and only Federal Holiday that recognizes a Black American.
Albert Gore, Sr., a Democrat, played a key roll in the 74-day filibuster that delayed and intended to undermine The Civil Rights Act.
Albert Gore, Sr. voted against The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
President Bill Clinton’s political mentor, J. William Fulbright of Arkansas also a Democrat, voted against The Civil Rights Act.
A search on The Clinton Presidential Center Web Site yielded 102 matches when searching for Fulbright.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: “It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer … to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”
When LBJ nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court in 1967 he was opposed by 10 Democrats and only 1 Republican. The lone Republican had switched parties from Democrat to Republican only 3 years earlier in 1964. Why would 10 Democrats oppose a Democrat Presidents Supreme Court Nominee?
Robert Byrd (Democrat) is the only Senator to oppose both black Supreme Court nominees.
Former Klansman Hugo Black (Democrat) was appointed to the Supreme Court by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat) in 1937. This liberal icon, who served on the court until 1971 also defended and helped acquit Klansman Edwin Stephenson for the murder of a Catholic priest in Birmingham.
Hugo Black was also a senator that received substantial support in his first senate election victory from the Klan.
Many Democrats referred to Robert Byrd as the “Conscience of the Senate”
He was born in Nov. 20, 1917.
Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat) served as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan.
He now explains this away by pleading ignorance and a misguided youth.
Robert Byrd voted against The Civil Rights Act of 1964. He was 46 years old.
He helped lead a Filibuster with other Democrats including Al Gore, Sr.
Sen. Robert Byrd (Democrat) spoke for 14 hours and 13 minutes, finishing the morning of June 10 — the 57th day of the filibuster.
This is what Democrats must mean when calling the filibuster a Senate Tradition.
Byrd also opposed Supreme Court nominations of Thurgood Marshall in 1967 and Clarence Thomas in 1991.
Byrd could say he opposed Clarence Thomas because he was a Conservative but Thurgood Marshall was a Democrat favored by nearly every Democrat.
Robert Byrd is the only Senator to oppose both black Supreme Court nominees.
Byrd was 49 years old when he opposed Democrat Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court Nomination.
In 1945 at age 28, Robert Byrd said this regarding desegregation of the military, “[I will] never submit to fight beneath that banner (the American flag) with a ***** by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
In March of 2001, at age 83, Robert Byrd said, “There are white n*ggers. I´ve seen a lot of white n*ggers in my time.”

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Virginia Tech, How Do I Look So Far For The Direction Im Going?

Im a Junior at a High school in Texas of 3000, I run varsity track, JROTC (Unarmed drill, Academic and Leadership team, PT, Orienteering, and Raider team) , Officer in JROTC and in 2 other school clubs, affiliated with 2 other school clubs. 300+ Shadowing and community service hours at our University Hospital, 4.2 weighted GPA, 3.9 unweighted with a bunch of AP classes.
My day is packed, Time management is substantial for me, yet luckily i still have time to think about the future!!
My Ultimate goal is to be a Flight surgeon in the Navy( I love General surgery and trauma, but i also love neonatology Pediatrics). Im fluent in arabic (Im from Morocco, parents were born and raised, But i was born here in the USA). Iv been looking at Universities, and i really have my eyes on the service academies (Because i may consider doing something before i endure medical school. Psychological Operations, Special Warfare, ect). Though im taking everything one step at a time.
College. My number one pick is the University of Colorado at boulder, i like that school i know pritty much everything there is to know about it. NROTC all the way.
My Question is about , Virginia Tech. I like what the website has to say, but I haven’t taking neither the SAT or the ACT. The website sais i need to have like a 1250 on the SAT, Which seems a bit low. Iv noticed that all the websites for colleges have a low standard but always go for the top grades. Whats a good place to be for the SAT and ACT for Virginia tech ?
Any University I attend i would major in anything that has Physiology in it. Integrative Physiology, Exercise physiology, Animal Physiology, Human physiology, at virginia i would do the Human Nutrition Foods and Exercise major. I figure sense i love that and i would enjoy plus it would help me and my path its perfect.
Does anybody have any suggestions,, where is a good place to shoot for when it comes to the SAT or ACT, Any place in particular i should work on?

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Since Many Believe That The Market Should Set Wages, Do You Believe In The Paycheck Fairness Act?

After all, mustn’t one know what the market value for their labor is in order to negotiate?http://www.theatlanticwire.com/business/…

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What Do You Think Of The “tea Party” And “progressives” Agreeing On Getting Rid Of The Patriot Act?

This is fascinating to me.
I also read a poll on Politico today (obviously not scientific) where 56% of respondents supported repealing the Patriot Act by not reauthorizing it.http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Elections/T…
Many liberals tag the tea party movement as nativist, potentially racist, and out of step with progressive ideals. But some found themselves giving a nod of approval to tea-party-affiliated members of Congress who voted Tuesday to nix parts of the Patriot Act on grounds that they let the government intrude too much on individual privacy in the name of national security.
“House blocks renewal of Patriot Act. Some of these tea party guys aren’t insane after all,” tweeted Armon Dadgar, a resident of Kirkland, Wash.
Rep. Ron Paul of Texas and newcomer Rep. Raúl Labrador of Idaho were among eight in the Tea Party Caucus to vote against extending certain surveillance measures contained in the Patriot Act, joining with 18 other Republicans and most House Democrats to prevent their reauthorization – at least for now. Liberal Democratic lawmakers, in particular, have long derided parts of the Patriot Act as sacrificing civil liberties.

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