Tag Archive | "acquaintances"

How Do I Find My Niche? My Electro/ House Music People?

So the problem isn’t friends…I am not lonely! lol I have plenty of friends and acquaintances…some are them are great, but our interests differ …like in say MUSIC! How do I make new friends? House music friends! I can’t attend major electro festivals like Electric zoo, electric daisy carnival, clubs, etc ‘cuz I have no one to go with…no one as crazyyy ..and passionate about something like Electro house and dance it like an idiot! lol Heellllppp!

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Why Do I Always Feel Lonely?

I’m a pretty busy person. I get good grades and I love the sports and activities I do, but I’m never happy.
My boyfriend is everything to me, and I’m sure I’d commit suicide if anything happened to him. I also have 2-3 close friends, but I really don’t see them much because one is always busy and the other two don’t live especially close to me. I’m outgoing at school and can talk to just about anybody, so I have a ton of acquaintances. But I only have one close friend from school because everyone already has their niche.
I do spend a lot of time with people, but any single moment that I’m alone, I get extremely depressed. I can’t be alone for half a day without feeling lonely, insecure, worthless, and hopeless. I can’t stop ruminating and comparing myself to people who are in a happy niche having fun with their best buddies. It’s terrible – what’s wrong with me? If it makes any difference, I’m 15-16 years old

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