Tag Archive | "****"

Do You Think Asap Rocky Is Full Of ****?

What I mean is his name. Theres no way asap rocky didn’t get his name from aesop rock. About a month ago I found out about both of them. I was typing in asap rocky and my youtube spell check asked if I meant aesop rock? Not knowing that there was 2 rappers with very indentical names I listened to aesop rock and found out he was affiliated with rappers like p.o.s,atmosphere,brother ali, and mf doom. I liked a lot of songs like zzz top,zero dark 30, & other songs and found that I liked the guy. I sort of wondering why people were talking **** about aesop rock(remember I thought this was asap rocky not aesop rock) then today when I got home from class I decided to see what all the hype behind asap rocky was about. I listened to purple swag and it sounded like all the other typical bullshit i’ve heard from other artists. Then I found an article saying that he had never heard of aesop rock and he said that he had never heard of him and I call bullshit. What do you think?

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