Tag Archive | "25k"

Should I Move Onto A New Job?

I’ve been working for an ad agency for a year and a half. Recently I was offered a $25k raise to be a Director of a department at a small, niche PR firm in the same city. I love the people where I am at, am still learning a lot and am only 25 years old. Would it still be wise to take the new role on? Or stay put, learn more and wait for something bigger later?

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How Llc Companies Are Taxed.?

I got a quick question about how LLC companies are taxed. Do the companies get taxed on the total income or the total profit? For example lets say
$0-50k = 15% taxes and
51k-$100k = 25% taxes to keep things simple.
Now lets say my companies sources of income are as follows for a given year.
Affiliate Income = $70,000
Product Sales = $10,000
Advertising = $5,000
So the total money that has went into the company is $85,000 for the year, but from that $70k from affiliate income the actual profit is only $20k as we give back around 70% of our affiliate income for referring users to other sites & services back to the users in form of cash and prizes.
So the actual income is $35k and lets say after fees like ( licences, maintenance, employees ect) are paid the net profit of the firm is $25,000 for the year. So do i pay 15% of 25k in taxes or 25% of 80k in taxes?

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