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5 Reasons to Reconsider Getting Into Affiliate Marketing

This is probably one of the worst articles for someone like me to write, but I think it will probably save a lot of you some money and frustration. So in the interest of others, here goes.

The first reason has got to be that this is not an easy job. It takes hours of dedication, research and some skill too. All internet marketers will tell you it is super easy, blah, blah, and blah. IT IS NOT. It only becomes easy after months of learning and trial and error, and then it will still take a lot of your time. These people forget how lost they felt when they first started out in this business.

The second reason is that when you start out, you will probably buy a few products, that promises to do all the work for you. The only thing these products do for you is make you poorer, and the guy selling it richer. I come back to this point so many times. If you are going to buy products online, then only buy products that sell information. I equate this to going to school. If you pay money for education, then at least you got something for your buck.

The third reason is that you will probably buy an info product now, and you got there by searching for “make money online”, or some “how to work from home”, or such keyword. I can guarantee you that the first thing they will tell you is to re- advertise the product you just bought. THIS IS HARD. The “make money online” niche is probably the most competitive niche out there. Getting in there when you start from scratch is near impossible, as you are competing with seasoned marketers.

The fourth reason is that if you are middle aged and not used to school, and don’t have the drive to study anymore, DON’T WASTE YOUR MONEY. This takes more studying than I have done in my final year at school.

The last, and maybe the most important, is that if you don’t understand that it takes money to make money, then you can just give up now. Sure, the potential gains are pretty attractive, but you only see how much the guy got in. You don’t see how much he spent promoting these products in the first place.

In conclusion, all I can ad is that I hope you take all these things into consideration before you jump in on the deep end. If you can see yourself avoiding these pitfalls, then maybe you have a shot

Freddie Pretorius is a full time Internet Marketer and now also founder of his own website that teaches young internet entrepreneurs how to start making money online. If You are interested, Go To:

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