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Periods When Going On Holiday In Ghana?

I am a 15 year old, and on the 3rd August this year I am planning to travel to Ghana with my school with 15 girls and boys all the same age and we return on the 25th of August I am really excited, and I have everything but I have just found out that my period starts the day before we are travelling back so the 24th. We are staying at a rural village until the 20th and then for 4 days camping near lake Volta until the 24th. So girls who I have talked to about this are saying they are going on the pill. My family is very religious and so the pill is out of the question. Completley. I have talked to my mum about it but she said no. So, (cutting to the chase) How do you keep your periods really secret when you are in a rural area? There are no running loos and we are staying in a one man tent that is see through (just a mosquito net as the covering of the tent). So there is no secrecy where I am going, normally I wear pads, but we have loos with doors and bins in Britain. The teachers have said we have to give them our sanitary waste and when we have gone to sleep they have to burn it which is gross! So what are some ways for getting period things on and off again without being noticed. Is it better if I move on to tampons or that cup thing? Is that easier to just slip in and out again without bringing too much attention to myself.
So sorry this is so long, but I have less than two months and I am super worried about this. On the 24th we are planning to relax by the lake until lunch, pack up and go around the local markets until afternoon and then go to the airport ready to go back home for the 25th. In the plane is fine I know as there is privacy,
I am just worried about the day before the 24th and don’t want to be noticed. I am just worried when around 4 hours have gone and I need to change it for a new one where do I go and how do I do it?!
For anyone who responds thank you sooo much. I am madly stressing out about it!

No Responses to “Periods When Going On Holiday In Ghana?”

  1. Adrianna says:

    Well if I were you I would wear a tampon. They last up to 4-8 hours. Since there aren’t any washrooms you could go into a room by yourself and change it there make. Make sure to take it out after 4-8 hours or you could get Toxic Shock Syndrome ( TSS ). Have fun in Ghana!!:)


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