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Do You Want Gmo Foods Labeled In The Market?

I sure do. (Looks like we’d better call our congresscritters if we care.)
An amendment inserted into the 2013 Farm Bill passed by the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee Wednesday would revoke the ability of individual states’ lawmakers to pass GMO-labeling laws, food advocates warn.
The amendment, introduced by Rep. Steve King, a California Republican, is the newest salvo in an ongoing battle between food advocates and companies like Monsanto that create and sell genetically modified and genetically engineered seeds, which grow into GMO crops and find their way into an estimated 70 percent of processed foods in American grocery stores.…
Why Should I avoid GMOs?…

No Responses to “Do You Want Gmo Foods Labeled In The Market?”

  1. Veritas says:

    Yes, I do. It is un-American to deprive the people of their right to know and to choose. Maybe in communist countries it’s OK for the government to control the food supply chain in collusion with the secret fascist oligarchy that puppet master’s the corrupt government, but not here in the USA! I’ve got the Freedom to eat whatever I want and to know what it is I’m eating and what my children are eating!

  2. Ed says:

    Whats the difference between GMO and traditionally-modified foods? Virtually everything we eat has been cross-bred for a thousand generations to get the current marketable version. GMO is just a lot quicker. And when EVERTHING is GMO, will you stop eating? I’m confused about the point of the label. The question should be “is it safe?” and that’s a question that’s been with us on every product. Everything in the market is “safe” until there’s evidence that its not.

  3. No Enfringing Do U Not Understan says:

    Yes they are putting insecticides inside of seeds like corn which is almost in everything even soda. Insecticide is poison, that’s disgusting. I also would want guarantee of soil that crops are grown on after I heard the conspiracy theory that tobacco is grown on radiated land purposely to thin the herd so to speak.

  4. Southern Barrel Racer says:

    Yes. I would not buy them.
    If you need a chemical suit in and gas mask in order to harvest the food i’m supposed to be eating, I really don’t want to be eating it.

  5. Just Saiyan says:

    Maybe I’ll still buy it, if its cheaper and tastes the same. Lord knows the threat of death doesn’t stop me from buying cigarettes and fast food. But I want to know what I’m buying.

  6. Mandi Lynn says:

    Yes. Definitely.

  7. Iwork Forcelebs says:

    its a good idea i want clonned cow meat labeled more importantly.

  8. StephenG says:


  9. heidegge says:



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