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Do I Have Hyperhidrosis?

So I’m in the 7th grade and I sweat.. A LOT. Mostly under the arms, on my face, and hands and feet. I’ve researched some information online about it but I still don’t know. I’m limited to tank tops and dark clothes because anything else I get continually growing sweat spots under my arms and it’s really embarrassing, a nd I can never raise my hand it’s so bad. I use Dove 24 hour antiperspirant deodorant but it doesn’t work. I apply it every morning and I shower everyday but It’s not helping and it’s disgusting. Any suggestions, besides going to the doctor, because im going this summer, calm down. So any help?

No Responses to “Do I Have Hyperhidrosis?”

  1. Janet says:

    Sounds like you do have it. You should try one of the clinical strength deodorants on the market now. Secret makes a good one, but there are several others. I would try those and maybe put a small bottle of powder, like Goldbond, in your school bag. You can use that to absorb some sweat during the day and maybe be able to raise your hand. Good luck to you.

  2. Baba Ghanooj says:

    Drink 3 cups of sage tea every day.
    A cup in the morning, one in the afternoon and one before you go to sleep.
    In a week, your sweating will decrease by 50-70%.
    If you want to make it really dry then soak your hand in the tea (when it cools down) for 20 minutes.
    I plant and drink my own sage but you can buy it in stores and online, shop around because prices vary.
    Also lose your body fat by working out and eating healthier like becoming pescetarian, this way you can keep your heart rate in check when you’re outside. You can never cure hyperhidrosis but with good habits and constantly monitoring your progress you’ll be able to reduce it to a more comfortable level.
    Good luck.


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